Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Welllll, Holy Spirit Truly Did IT!! Y'all know Mona by now and You Know I LOVE, LOVE All kinds of Music......and WOWZA! Did the Anointed Praise & Worship Team BRING IT last Sunday at church! And I mean OFF THE HOOK BRING IT!

A Direct Hit deeeep down in my Soul.  A Right On Target Shot straight to my Heart, taking me to a whole 'notha level of Intimacy and Love and Peace and Yearning for Our Lord!!

For those of Us who are coming into the final stretch of our "30 Day Journey of GETTING TO KNOW HIM....GETTING TO KNOW ALL ABOUT HIM".....I've got something for Us today that is the Perfect Way to bring Us into the home stretch on our Journey together this month!

When you listen to this song..........When you *LISTEN* TO THIS SONG!! You will see Exactly what I mean about "taking it to a whole 'notha level of Intimacy". The Lyrics, the Melody, the Voices, the EVERYTHING-ABOUT-THIS-SONG....will make you want to Do, will make you want to Walk Out, will make you want to Experience First-Hand.....Every Single Detail, Every Single Action described in this Song.

OK! OK! I hear you......enough with the over-the-top intro but Loves, It's NEEDED.....and You'll understand why when you click the link below (ear buds in/max volume).

Oh!! Family, One last thing...(Yeah, I'm on overdrive to get this to YOU!), around the 3rd or 4th *LISTEN*, please bring to mind ALL the Awesome, Powerful, Humbling, Soothing, Loving Names of Our Daddy God we've learned to date...Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Shalom, Jehovah-Rophe, Jehovah-Nissi, El Shaddai (my FAVE so far)........brings the Song and Our LOVE for HIM to an even deeper level. You'll See :)

Loves, as You take this **SELAH** Moment to Praise & Pause...My Prayer is We'll walk away from our time together today.......SEEKING HIM MORE.........because HE Loves, LOVES **US** so Very, VERY Much!!

"Seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face continually." 
(1 Chronicles 16:11, JUB)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

Mets Gushing Moment:

"For NOTHING is Impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)

P.S. Pleeeeeez Continue to IGNORE the Negative Nellies (aka The Haters).  They could Never, EVER do what YOU do for 162+!! #UrBlessed!! Manage On TC!!!

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