Wednesday, July 20, 2016

STUFF..........GOD STUFF!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Gonna start with a Commercial Break & Check-In to see how YOU are loving Our 30-Day Journey together of GETTING TO KNOW HIM.......GETTING TO KNOW ALL ABOUT HIM?!? I am sooo enjoying the Daily Readings of Who (really and truly WHO) are Daddy God is! And Pray You continue to walk out with me the rest of the 30-Days!  Knowledge is POWER! Especially when the **Knowledge** is ALLL 'bout Our Lord & Saviour!

I continue to be so very GRATEFUL for our time together every Wednesday.  To come to His Mona Girl Blog to get matter what's on His Divine Menu......whether it's a humorous, serious, soul-searching, loving, encouraging, Faith-Building, "pull the covers back - ouchy" message, I so enjoy Dining with You, My Beautiful World Family!!

OK! So Today, Holy Spirit has some random Stuff....God Stuff, He's placed in my ear and eye gates that He's got Me sharing with You since our last time together :)

The "First" of His God Stuff is a Beautiful, Powerful, Humbling Poem by one of my Spiritual Sisters - Heyyyyy Elisha! - who does NOT Play when it comes to Sharing her Anointed Gifts and Expressing Her Love for Her Lord! This read may bring you to your knees.....or at least make you Pause and RECOGNIZE!!!


Do I dare take a look?
For a glance to behold your beauty?
Such radiance, Your brilliant Light
I know for sure will bring me to my knees

My King, my Love
I stand here quite boldly
Knowing that it was You indeed
Who has beckoned me

Now here I stand, just wanting to look into 
Your beautiful face
But do I dare to take a glance? Do I dare take that chance?
That You will overwhelm me?

**Elisha Freeman**

"Second" of His God Stuff, is a Powerful TRUTH from my Fave Rabbi........

"If we are quiet enough, we might just hear God tell us to feed the hungry and not just our own voice yelling at us to do the grocery shopping.
We may hear God tell us to give charity, instead of hearing our friends tell us about the latest gadget 
we simply must buy.
And if we are connected enough to God's voice,
we may just hear His calling on our life and the purpose
we are meant to fulfill.
Consider this week how we can carve out that "quiet time"
so that we can better hear what God has to say to us."
**Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein**

"Third", and lastly, is a Beautiful PRAYER I read yesterday morning on Prime Time With God.........

Dear Lord,
Thank You for bringing peace to my heart.
I pray that You would help me be a peace-maker in my family and community.....and even in the world.
Help me to live in harmony with my friends and loved ones...and with my Christian family as well.
Please forgive me for arguing and being disagreeable 
at times.
Help me to see things through Your eyes so that I can better understand where others are coming from.
Help me to see things through Your eyes so that I can handle situations with wisdom and understanding.
Remind me to think before I speak and pray before I act.
May Your will be done through me today.
In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

Yeah...God Stuff!!!! I PRAY, one, two or ALL three of these Mighty Reads touched Your Heart...soothed Your Soul so you walk away from our time together today Well Fed.....FULL.....STUFFED with God Stuff!! 

Love You LOVES!!

Continued Success & Blessings.

Mets Gushing Moment:
YES!!  I see YOU doing Your Best!! And That's a God Thing! 

Something to Remind YOU Why to **KEEP ON**!! (Please Listen & Read ALL the Lyrics...OK?)


  1. Remember 'RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK' No one can gaze upon the face of 'THE LORD'and live. looks like Elisha has a death wish. hahahahaha lol J/K

    To know him is to love him
    but to love him is to be
    consumed by him, like a moth
    drawn to flame.

    Islam has no corner on surrender/submission to Gods
    Christian saints&mystics have done this for centuries
    Moslem concepts can be fascinating though. I must
    submit that the Submission/Sacrifice of Jesus Christ
    on the cross to be the most Sublime Example. It
    literally changed the World! Complete Submission
    &Surrender to Gods will is the highest form of Love
    and Devotion,there is nothing higher.

    In Complete surrender/submission to Divine Will, all
    is given, but all is Attained. The Divine returns
    the Disciples devotion with Its own Supreme Love,
    even Power, for as the disciple surrenders his being
    to God, he becomes a reflection of God.

    Complete Submissonto Gods will is not done easily.The
    Disciple must surrender his Ego/personality on the
    altar of sacrifice to Divine will. This often brings
    suffering &even Death, as saints and Avatars have
    shown by their example though the ages and even in
    modern times.

    Devotion and Submission to Divine Will is a subject
    that is truly Awesome&Sublime. And Infinite in its
    Scope. (be Careful Kari) lol

  2. Hi Anonymous. Thank YOU for your input....I especially like this through you:

    "In Complete surrender/submission to Divine Will, all
    is given, but all is Attained. The Divine returns
    the Disciples devotion with Its own Supreme Love,
    even Power, for as the disciple surrenders his being
    to God, he becomes a reflection of God."

    Blessings to YOU!
