Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

For the last few days, Holy Spirit's been whispering in my ear a wonderful story from The Bible. One of Jesus' Mighty, Mighty Miracles from back in the day and One of my Faves!

What makes this Story even more Powerful, this Woman (who by the way, we don't even know her real name, she's only referred to as "The Woman with the Issue of Blood")made such  an impact on Jesus that when She Touched Him, He was Touched as well! Click Woman with the Issue of Blood for the full knowledge on her story.

Soooo because of His whispers in my ear; because He's Our Omnipotent God, (meaning Every thought is sustained by Him); and because He's penning these Wednesday Mona Girl Blog messages for You through Me, it's clear why I'm being led to revisit this Humbling Story about this Beautiful Strong Woman, this Awesome Story of Courage Faith and Healing.....WE need to read her Testimony!

Commercial Break: If  you're on our 30 Day reading journey of "Getting To Know Him", you'll know/remember that "Omnipotent God" was our Reading on July 4th (smile).

Loves, You know by now, whenever Our Heavenly Father has a Message for US, He always uses multiple Confirmations.......comes at Us with multiple examples. As I was reading some of my Fave Daily Devotionals, I came across (yeah no coincidence), this one by Max Lucado entitled: A Crazy Hunch and A High Hope, that's not only the title of today's Message but the foundation, the inspirational take-away for our Wednesday read.  So here we go.............

"If I can just touch his clothes," she thinks, "I will be healed." (Mark 5:28, NCV)

Risky decision.  To touch him, she will have to touch the people.  If one of them recognizes her....hello rebuke, good-bye cure.  But what choice does she have?  She has no money, no clout, no friends, no solutions. All she has is a crazy hunch that Jesus can help and a high hope that he will. Maybe that's all you have: a crazy hunch and a high hope.  You have nothing to give.  But you are hurting.  And all you have to offer him is your hurt.

Maybe that has kept you from coming to God.  Oh, you've taken a step or two in his direction. But then you saw the other people around him.  They seemed so clean, so neat, so trim and fit in their faith. And when you saw them, they blocked your view of him.  So you stepped back.

If that describes you, note carefully, only one person was commended that day for having faith. It wasn't a wealthy giver.  It wasn't a loyal follower.  It wasn't an acclaimed teacher.  It was a shame-struck, penniless outcast who clutched onto her hunch that he could and her hope that he would.  Which, by the way, isn't a bad definition of faith: A conviction that he can and a hope that he will.  Sounds similar to the definition of faith given by the Bible.  "Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him. (Hebrew 11:6, NCV).

Not too complicated is it? Faith is the belief that God is real and that God is good.  Faith is not a mystical experience or a midnight vision or a voice in the is a choice to believe that the one who made it all hasn't left it all and that he still sends light into shadows and responds to gestures of faith.

There was no assurance, of course.  She hoped he'd respond.....she longed for it....but she didn't know if he would.  All she knew was that he was there and that he was good. That's faith. Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. Faith is the belief that God will do what is right.  

So, whatcha think? "The Woman with the Issue of Blood" (my Shero), on that God-Ordained, Divinely Orchestrated Day, was HEALED....made WHOLE immediately because of her Bold Faith. Despite the many, many, many years of enduring the pain, suffering, humiliation of her ailment, she continued to Persevere, she continued to Believe. "For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole." (Mark 5:28, KJV)

Then, when she had THE OPPORTUNITY of a LIFE TIME presented to her, she used her FAITH that over the many many years of her affliction had been built up, steeped in, fortified and strengthened in Jehovah Rapha (Our Lord that Heals) to STEP OUT and BE HEALED.....IN AN INSTANT! And Loves, that's just how Our Lord Jesus operates at times in our lives.  Many, many, many years of enduring and Walking by Faith and Not By Sight......can and will at times bring us into an INSTANT HEALING..........a SUDDEN MIRACLE.....IF WE HAVE FAITH.....IF WE BELIEVE!

And Family, the cool thing about this is, WE don't have to have it ALL together.  WE don't have to be an Uber Saint.  WE don't have to be Perfect in Our Faith Walk.  Just like our Shero in today's Scripture and Message.....WE just have to Mr. Lucado says in his "You Got This" message.... A Crazy Hunch and A High Hope!

And, as I jump on this band wagon as a result of the crazy, beyond, beyond stuff I'm Standing in Faith for...........I Stand in Agreement with YOU Right Now as we Walk Out Our Faith, as We Step Out in Faith, as We continue to Believe in Our Good, Good God that He will Show Up and Show Out in our lives when We Boldly come to Him with A Crazy Hunch and A High Hope!

Loves, One More CONFIRMATION as we close out our time together today.  An Ole School Hymn that one of the True Saints, One of God's Angels... Brother Eddie Walker.... sings at my church in Harlem.  It's about Our Girl....Our Shero....and her Story. (btw.....Sam Cooke ain't got Nothing on Brother Eddie's version). Enjoy :)

Continued Success and Blessings!!

Mets Gushing Moment:
Last Few Games....SPEECHLESS!!  S-P-E-E-C-H-L-E-S-S!!!

Big Hi-Five, Congrats and Muchas Bendiciones: Yo! Noah! Familia! and Manager Terry!! 

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