Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Welllll, for today's Mona Girl Blog,  the Holy Spirit has some homework for US to do. And the way I look at it, this Assignment can be easy or a tad daunting (smile).  So let's get to it......

Our Holy Homework centers around a question my friend Dr. Bertie was asked by one of Our Lord's Angels who was in need..........

Here's the Back Story: Dr. Bertie is from the Virgin Islands and for many years, he and his Family and Friends prepare and serve Holiday Dinners to those in need.  It's been a long standing Family Tradition and the group of volunteers grows each and every year (folks who want to assist who live in V.I. and folks who travel with him from NYC).

So one year, Bert was doing his usual routine of being SELFLESS and providing for those in need back home and this man (who Bert saw frequently and helped anytime he saw him) said out of the blue:


When Bert told me this story a couple years ago, it ALWAYS stayed with me.  Not just the actual question itself  but how the man worded his question (LOL!) ALWAYS stayed with my heart space as well.  I think of it from time to time.......and the Holy Spirit brought it back to my mind again this weekend during my quiet time with My Lord.


Hmmmm,that's a pretty loaded question don't you think?  When Dr. Bertie told me the story, of course I asked him, "What did you say?"  And Bert, being his humble and gentle self said he replied (and I'm paraphrasing cuz it's been awhile): "I am just someone doing what I can to help."

Yeah....."WHO YOU IS?"

The Holy Spirit put on my mind for me to pose this Powerful question to US.........and to Really (REALLY) think about what Our answer is.  No pressure, No Right/Wrong answer, No "what will people think if I answer this way", No this is the politically correct answer, No guilt, No shame, No pride, No **NOTHING** except what is in Your Heart, what brings You Peace, what brings You Freedom, what makes You Smile when you whisper Your answer to Yourself.

And Loves, since I'm asking You to do Your Holy Spirit Homework.......My answer (at this point in my life, at this stage of my Faith Walk, as Our Lord continues to pen His Weekly Wednesday Blog through Mona).... My Honest answer is: I AM HIS! Oh Yeah!  May sound hokey, may sound "Holy Roller'ish", may sound cliche, may scare a few of You (LOL!) but that's MY answer and I'm sticking to it :)

Family, that's ALL I've got for US today.  And as I close out today's Mona Girl Blog, I hope you take some time to think about what Your answer I leave You to Your thoughts........


"But God told Samuel, "Looks aren't everything. Don't be impressed with his looks and stature.  I've already eliminated him.  God judges persons differently than humans do.  Men and women look at the face; God looks into the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7, MSG)

"What about you?" he asked them.  "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." (Matthew 16:15-16, GNT)

Continued Success and Blessings Family!!!

Also Family FYI............

Our Lord has put on my heart to start a Prayer & Praise Line! And YOU KNOW ME, I am uber **Obedient** when it comes to His Suggestions so I AM ON IT!! The calls will be the last Sunday of the Month, with the next call being Sunday, July 26th.  Dial-in anonymously, give your name at the prompt, join in for a few minutes or the entire hour.....however You chose to participate is completely up to You.

Time: 7:00p - 8:00p ET

Dial-In Number: (605) 477-2100

Passcode: 343645#

***Feel free to email me at if you have questions prior to the call.

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