Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Today's Word is a SHOUT OUT & PRAYER for our Mona Girl Blog Family who don't live in America.

Over the weekend, Holy Spirit dropped a Video on my path that truly moved my heart and deeply touched my soul. As a result, I want to encourage ALL our Mona Girl Blog Family around the World to KEEP THE FAITH! Don't Stop Praising, Loving On and Worshiping Our Mighty Lord and Saviour! HE SEES YOU......HE LOVES YOU.....HE'S WATCHING YOU and HE'S SMILING Big Time!!

Beloveds, I cannot even begin to image the hardships and sacrifices and DANGER you face Each and Every Day to Walk as a A CHILD OF GOD!

Reality Check!: Speaking for myself when I say I take my Freedom to Serve Our Heavenly Father for granted.  I can Pray in public by myself or with others.  I can Play my Praise & Worship Music from morning to night on my laptop, ipod, tablet, stereo, etc.  I can Go into any House of Worship I choose.  I can proudly display my Cross necklace EVERY DAY.  I can Read my Bible on the Subway, in the Park, at the Airport, on a Plane! I can Post Words of Faith on all my Social Media Accounts.  I can Shout Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! out loud when Daddy God gives me a *God Wink* during the day.  I can Genuinely and Authentically be HIS in front of whomever....wherever...whenever! I can humbly serve as HIS SCRIBE for HIS MONA GIRL BLOG EVERY WEDNESDAY with no fear or worry for my life.

Oh Yeah! My International Brothers and Sisters.......I will no longer take my FAITH BLESSINGS, my LOVE FOR OUR LORD & SAVIOUR for granted.........I Promise!!

Family, please give me your hands, bow your heads, close your eyes and join me in Prayer for our Brothers and Sisters around the World.....

Father God, we come to you right now Praying a **PRAYER OF PROTECTION** over All our Brothers and Sisters throughout the World who have given their Lives to You Jesus.  Lord, we Pray for their 24/7 covering in the Blood of Jesus as they continue to Serve You, Honor You, Touch Souls for You, Worship You, Sacrifice for You, Stand Mightily and Strong in their Faith for You. Father God, please give them Your Peace and Comfort to know that their Faith and Love for you is not in vain. When they leave their homes (some in cars but Most On Foot) in the middle of the night or at the crack of dawn to go to the Holy underground, hidden, secret Houses of Worship, Daddy God please KEEP THEM SAFE. When they Worship and Praise You Lord for multiple hours on end, Monday - Sunday, in uncomfortable circumstances of heat, cold, confined space, darkness, please Holy Spirit continue to SHOW UP and SHOW OUT in their humble Presence!! Anointing, Healing, Touching and Saving Souls for Your Kingdom! Father God, we PRAY for each and every child who is baptized in these Sacred Hidden Places of Worship for we Know Abba Father that You have ALL these young souls under Your Mighty Watchful care! Lord God, we PRAY for the Pastors, Ministers, Clergy and all Ordained Saints who risk their lives to lead and shepherd their flocks. Please continue to give them Strength and Courage and Wisdom to stay true to Your Mighty Call over their lives. And finally Jesus, let these Beautiful Saints, these Brave and Tenacious Soldiers of the Faith, these Water Walking Warriors grow to be more and more like You as they Persevere, NEVER GIVE UP and NEVER GIVE IN... DOING IT ALL FOR YOUR HONOR & GLORY!! We THANK YOU Father God for Hearing and Answering Our PRAYER, right now, in real time! In the Matchless and Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. AMEN!

Please *REMEMBER* Loves.....we may not be with you in person but we're with you in spirit, we're ALL part of the Awesome Family of God, and we Love you very, very much!!

"Worship connects us to wonder and awakes us to the Divine.  It gives voice to the yearning of our souls." - Lizzy Milani 

And for my Brothers and Sisters in Christ in America, Oh Yeah! When Sunday Service (the **ONE** Day out of the week we go to Church) God forbid runs long (more than the standard cookie cutter 30 minutes or an hour) or if the heat or A/C is not working perfectly, or if you don't like the Pastor's Message, or if you don't FEEL like Worshiping, or if you can't park your Car in your usual spot and have to walk a few more feet to the door, or if you're seated in a pew that's a tad over crowded, or if no one notices the new outfit you have on, or if someone less fortunate than you isn't dressed to the nines, or if you're going to be late meeting friends for Brunch, or if someone is Getting their PRAISE on and it makes You uncomfortable, if........If......IF!!!!!! SO WHAT!! PLEASE BE QUIET! PLEASE STOP COMPLAINING! PLEASE STOP THE NONSENSE! And instead GIVE THANKS to Our Heavenly Father that we can Worship and Praise HIM IN SAFETY & FREEDOM!! (Ouch Mona! Yeah!  I'm speaking from personal experience cuz I've done this or had this done to me!! Truth Hurts Sometimes!!)

I read a quote last night (Thanks Holy Spirit!), that accurately depicts our Western Christianity.  "The tragedy of this late hour is that we have too many dead men in the pulpits giving out too many dead sermons to too many dead people.  Oh! the horror of it." - Leonard Ravenhill (As my friend Shellie says...."That'll PREACH!")

I humbly suggest We take our puffed up, pride-infested souls and Learn A Lesson from our Sweet-Spirited Brothers and Sisters around the Globe of what TRUE Fellowship, a DEEPLY Intimate Relationship with Our Heavenly Father, and PURITY of Soul REALLY looks like and We STOP PLAYING CHURCH!!

"One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple." (Psalm 27:4, NIV)

OK Loves, I'm done. Getting off my soap box. Asking you to please take a Selah moment and get ova being irritated with me so you can Clear your Mind and Heart and Watch this beyond inspirational TESTIMONY of PURE, GENUINE, AUTHENTIC Saints, (this video from our Brothers and Sisters in China), Who LOVE, LOVE, LOVE their Lord and Saviour and are NOT AFRAID TO SHOW IT!!

"For God is a Spirit, and he longs to have sincere worshipers who worship and adore him in the realm of the Spirit and in truth." (John 4:24, The Passion Translation)

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.  For our God is a Consuming Fire." (Hebrews 12:28-29, NIV - emphasis mine)

P.S. Loves, if your Heart was Touched and you want to "DO" Something to support our Family of Believers in China (plant a Love seed)....check out this Link from: Biblica: The International Bible Society

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

Mets Gushing Moment:

#GotUberFaithInMyMetsiesMen!   #YouGotThis!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #13:
"No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and  looking forward to what lies ahead." (Philippians 3:13, NLT)

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