Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, not much of an intro today.  I'm gonna just step aside and let Holy Spirit MINISTER to your Heart and Soul.

Based on the emails I've been receiving from YOU lately.......this is an Awesome Read and a Big Ole Daddy God Wink **CONFIRMATION** for some of Us!!

So get your Bev of choice, shut out ALL distractions, settle in and Get Your Read On!!

Coming Full Circle: A New Level of Mastery
By Madisyn Taylor
When we come full circle there is the feeling that we have come to a familiar place but we are somehow different.
Life is a circular journey through our issues and processes, and this is why things that are technically new often seem very familiar. It is also why, whenever we work to release a habit, change a pattern, or overcome a fear, we often encounter that issue one last time, even after we thought we had conquered it. Often, when this happens, we feel defeated or frustrated that after all our hard work we are still dealing with the same problem. However, the reappearance of a pattern, habit, or fear, is often a sign that we have come full circle, and that if we can maintain our resolve through one last test, we will achieve a new level of mastery in our lives.

When we come full circle, there is often the feeling that we have arrived in a familiar place, but that we ourselves are somehow different. We know that we can handle challenges that seemed insurmountable when we began our journey, and there is the feeling that we might be ready to take on a new problem, or some new aspect of the old problem. We feel empowered and courageous to have taken on the challenge of stopping a pattern, releasing a habit, or overcoming a fear, and to have succeeded. At times like these, we deserve a moment of rest and self-congratulation before we move on to the next challenge.

Coming full circle is like stepping into a clearing where, for a moment, we can see where we came from and where we are standing at the same time. Remembering that we will be tested again is important, but it's also important to pause and take a look at the ground we've covered, honoring our courage, our persistence, and our achievement. Then we can begin the next leg of our circular journey with a fuller understanding of where we are coming from. 

Oh Yeah! Whatcha Think? God Stuff, Right?!? What a RIGHT ON TIME Word for Such A Time As This! Family, I am sooooooo excited for Us who are at this point in our Faith this stage on Our Life Journey. There's NOTHING like the Peace and Assurance that comes from KNOWING we are Finally in Position, in Divine Alignment with what Abba Father has Done, is Doing and is going to DO NEXT with Us!

Loves, as I leave you today to ponder Your Own Personal COMING FULL's a couple Words from the Lord to ride shotgun with you over the next few days........

"Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person.  The past is forgotten, and EVERYTHING is new." (2 Corinthians 5:17, CEV, Emphasis Mine).

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11, NKJV)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:
Oh Yeah!  I'm BASKING in the AWESOMENESS of my New York Mets **TEAM**!! 

A little **REMINDER** Gentlemen of Who You Are and Who You Be!!

#ContinueToRiseAbovetheNOISE!!  #BeFEARLESS!!

P.S. Now I KNOW what it ALL *Looks* like on the surface but YOU'RE FAMILY!! Sometimes Family (beneath the surface) is hurting, scared, unsure of themselves.  And as FAMILY We Step in. We Listen. We Ignore the outside NOISE. Yes, Accountability is Key but We all walk out Fear/Doubt differently. *Mona's 2 Cents*Stop, Look and Listen to a Heart in need! Praying for Your PEACE :)

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #14:
"Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in His eyes.
Fix your heart on the promises of God and you will be secure,
Feasting on His faithfulness.
If you make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life,
He will provie for you what you desire the most!
Give God the right to direct your life
And as you TRUST Him along the way
You'll find He pulled it off perfectly! 
(Psalm 37:3-5, The Passion Translation, Emphasis Mine)

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