Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves.......TODAY....... Our Lord has me sharing with You **A PRAYER FOR PEACE**. **A PRAYER FOR PEACE** in Your Own Life!!

And that's TRULY something We ALL need right about now with ALL the Foolishness and Drama and Life Stuff that's swirling around in our daily atmospheres :)

So Here We Go.....

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please calm my spirit today.

Please forgive me for worrying about the people and circumstances that surround me.

Please replace anger with Peace.

Please help me to keep my focus on Jesus, author and finisher of my faith.

Please help me to focus on what I need to accomplish today, and what You want me to do.

Help me to put away all wrong thoughts and please keep me from wrong actions.

I want to be a steady, stable, godly person who is a pleasure to be around and a loving witness of your mercy and glory.

May I be an instrument of your Peace today.  

In Jesus' Name I Pray, Amen.

Prime Time With God

Family, I hope this Prayer brings You Peace.......brings You Comfort.........brings You an overwhelming state of Calm.......and Most Importantly, I hope this Prayer is one You incorporate into Your Daily Quiet Time or read each Morning when You awake or each Night before You hit the sack.

Love You Loves!!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:
OK!! So What!! SO WHAT!!!  

Take Your Blessed & Gifted & Talented Self and GET AFTER IT! GRIND IT OUT!!

#I*STILL*Believe! #You**REALLY**GotThis!!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #15:
"For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do Not Fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13, NIV)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Family. I received several "Comments"on Wednesday's Mona Girl Blog and wanted to share this one with you from a dear friend. Glad it Hit The Spot for some of You......

    "Good Morning! I have to tell you that, once again, I opened your blog yesterday and it was as if God ordained me to do it at just that time! I have been working in a different room with people who are very negative about EVERYTHING and yesterday, it was just getting to me. I don't typically check my email at that time of the day, but yesterday I walked out and sat down at my computer, feeling frustrated, opened my email and read your blog. Honestly, Mona, I needed that right then and there! Amazing how Our Lord works isn't it?? Thank you so much!! Have a great day today! :) Lots of love! xoxoxo"
