Wednesday, April 6, 2016

From WARRIOR!!!! #That'sYOU!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Lots going on in Mona World But I am so BLESSED that each Wednesday, Holy Spirit "hits pause" and downloads something to my Heart......brings a Word to my email box.........that speaks to US :)

Today, I'm sharing a Word of Encouragement from The Daily Word. I was introduced to Unity's Daily Word when my Mother gave me a gift subscription my freshman year in college....and I've been hooked (a DAILY) reader ever since!! Thanks Mommy!!

If you want to subscribe to receive the online Daily Word messages each day, give a gift subscription, order the Daily Word via snail mail......check out The Daily Word website at:The Daily Word. AND if you want to receive The Daily Word with Mona's two cents, shoot me an email at and I will gladly add you to my Daily Word  E-Family.  

Sooooo, back to today's Message.  When I read it this morning, I immediately thought about some of the Prayer Requests I've received over the last few weeks and knew it was a Right On Time WORD for Us today!!

Family, please take this Message to Heart....let it BLESS You and bring PEACE to Your Soul.....and let's Walk It Out together..............Love you LOVES!!

Each day, whether we are aware of it or not, we make a choice that directly affects our happiness quotient. We can choose to allow worry and stress to take control or we can live in faith, allowing God’s presence to guide us. 

There is no situation that worry will alter. Worrying does not remove future challenges—it merely drains us of our inner peace today.

When we live a life of faith, we live in “the now,” accepting every moment as a sacred, precious gift, which in turn allows joy, peace, and happiness to fill our thoughts.

Then how do we get to that point? We do so by using prayer and meditation to move from worrier to warrior—ready to live courageously and confidently. To help you live in the now, try using this simple Five-Step Prayer Process from Unity:

1. Relax
Close your eyes. Relax, breathe deeply, and let go of outer concerns.

2. Concentrate
Quiet your mind. Begin to focus your thoughts on the spirit of God within you.

3. Meditate
With an open mind and a receptive heart, feel the peace of God’s presence. “Be still, and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:10)

4. Embrace the Silence
In the silence of your soul, know that you are one with God. Allow this realization to permeate your being.

5. Give Thanks

So why worry? Life is moving forward and so should we. The answer to today’s peace is the same as it will be tomorrow and the next day and the next: a greater connection with the Divine Presence within that moves in us, through us, and as us.

In oneness,

Your friends in Daily Word

Continued Success & Blessings!!

Mets Gushing Moment.....
WOW!! WOW!! WOWZA Noah!!!!!! #ThorShining! #LGM! #MeXcited!!

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