Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Wellll, in today's Mona Girl Blog, Holy Spirit has me highlighting the Wisdom and Insight of some EXCEPTIONAL folks!

My friend Shellie Warren, who is soooo EXCEPTIONAL, penned a Powerful Devotional last week entitled: "God's Children Are to Be EXCEPTIONAL" (Bravo Shellie!!!!) One of the quotes she highlighted that stuck in and fueled Mona's brain was:

"In the same vein, an exceptional life demands that one find a cause in life's journey that warrants an immediate and sincere desire to champion beyond one's current accomplishments for a lifetime of transformational living.  It's a desire to indulge and play in the gargantuan world of the so-called perfectionists." - Derreck Kayongo

Oh Yeah!! That will make You sit down, put your head between your knees and read a few more times - LOL!!! Also in her Devotional, Shellie highlighted an Amazing Read entitled: The 10 Qualities of Exceptional People by Sherrie Campbell. And Ms.Campbell gets our attention Right from the start with her opening quote:

"The truly exceptional focus on cultivating their inner worlds and the most soft-spoken qualities of their character because they know to be wholly successful, it takes being a really good human being."

OK!! These EXCEPTIONAL folks Don't Play!! And my EXCEPTIONAL Family, this is where I'm going to drop you off today so you can partake of Sherrie's Wisdom and Insight. It's a GREAT read.......Yes!! An EXCEPTIONAL read. Enjoy!! The 10 Qualities of Exceptional People

Thanks again Shellie for the Exceptional Knowledge........I'm paying it forward!!! 

Family, ONE more thing before I let you go......I just Have to give a **BIG SHOUT OUT** to Terry Collins, the EXCEPTIONAL Manager of The BEST Team in Major League Baseball - The NEW YORK METS!! "For the fist time in 17 years, TC will be managing in a pennant race." (MetsBlog)

Hallelujah!!!!! Thank You Lord!!! And You want to Know what the Biblical Meaning of the #17 is?!? VICTORY!!! Oh Yeah!!! YOU GO TC!!!!!! Nothing But God!!! Loves, you're probably, most likely, going to get soooo tired of me over the next few weeks of the Baseball Season, LOL!! But I ain't gonna stop Praising & Supporting My EXCEPTIONAL Mets Men!!!

"Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom." (Daniel 6:3, NIV)

"Exceptional people are often called crazy by the ordinary world." (Erica Jong)

Continued Success and Blessings!!!