Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Today's Mona Girl Blog is about a Video (Thanks Westley for the knowledge!!) that I posted on my Facebook Page couple days back. The Video, "To This Day" by Shane Koyczan, is ALLL about Bullying (BULLYING!!).  

I was going to leave it at just the FB Post, but YOU Know if I'm penning today's Blog on "IT", Our Heavenly Father thinks this is something of GREAT IMPORTANCE that should be shared and shared and shared and shared again. And like Shane Koyczan said, he wants the Message in his Video to have a far reaching and long lasting effect in confronting bullying. So here we go.......please hold on tight!!

"Bullying" as defined by Wikipedia is the use of  force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others.  The behavior is often repeated and habitual.  One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict. Rationalizations for such behavior sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability.  

The definition of "Bullying" is PURE FOOLISHNESS!!! And Family, Bullying is NOT just for Kids!!  I have been Bullied MORE as an Adult than I ever was as a child.  And YOU want to hear a Shocker that REALLY Hurts My Heart?!?  I've experienced more Bullying by so called Christians...folks IN my church...Believers (and sadly I use that word loosely).  As Jesus used to say during His time on Earth and it still holds true TODAY, "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself." (Mark 12:31, NIV).

And speaking of Jesus, Our Lord JESUS was the poster child for Bullying!! He was constantly being ridiculed, chastised, hated on, disrespected, degraded, belittled, dissed on along with other types of outright Ugliness and Not so Nice Behavior.  Just like Our Sweet Savior, when WE stand out from the crowd, walk a different walk, talk a different talk, look differently than the pack, have a unique spirit and energy, don't TRY to fit in but are Comfortable in our own skin, etc., etc........OH Yeah!! In most cases, the Bullies come out of the woodwork in packs to do what they LOVE to do to Us. Hmmmm but a word of Caution.....a Word of CAUTION from Our Lord:  "He said, "Don't hurt my chosen people. Don't harm my prophets." (Psalm 105:15, ERV)

Pull the Covers Off Mona Time: I've learned from My personal Bullying Sessions (and there've been LOTS over the past few years), that the Bully has a problem with Mona because I tend to be or do the things noted above and that They on the other hand, may feel threatened, have low self-esteem, are NOT Comfortable in their own skin.....and it makes him/her feel better to belittle and bully me. As a result, I immediately react (wellll, the New & Improved Mona - smile) with Love & Compassion.  I PRAY for my Bullies.  I ask Our Sovereign Lord to BLESS them and have MERCY on them. Btw, we won't get into what the "Old Mona" used to do (Thanks Holy Spirit!!)....that' a Message for another time - LOL!

Loves, I've watched Mr. Koyczan's Video a few times (and I recommend multiple viewings) so Shane's Powerful, Raw, Honest, "No sugar coated/rose colored glasses" Message could touch my soul and ignite a passion and zeal in me to NEVER, EVER AGAIN STAND BY AND WITNESS BULLYING!! And it has put a deep desire in me to PRAY even harder for the **Bully**.......because Bullying not only hurts and causes trauma to the Individual being Bullied BUT it causes damage and sometimes long-term effects to the Bully!!! A person cannot walk through life and maintain an existence of Bullying and NOT be effected or NOT have to suffer the consequences of their behavior.  Our Abba Father DOES NOT take kindly to folks Bullying His Children, His Flock, His Sheep.....

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brothers, ye have done it unto me." (Matthew 25:40, JUB)

As I close out our time together today, I encourage You to get somewhere quiet, when You have some Real Alone Time and check out this Powerful Video.  #ShaneDon'tPlay!!! A couple resources if you need them that are uber on point: Stop Bullying.Gov and Adult Bullying Resources

And lastly Family, I Pray this Video changes the way You look at this horrible epidemic called Bullying. I Pray this Video causes You to take a Stand and Speak OUT when You see Bullying occurring. I Pray that if YOU are a Bully - YOU WILL STOP THIS DETRIMENTAL BEHAVIOR RIGHT NOW and get the needed help and comfort!!  I Pray that if You are a Victim of Bullying, You have someone or a group of someone's to help You, Love on You, Protect You and PRAY with You.  I Pray this Video will touch You and move You in such a Powerful way that You Share it and Share It and Share It Again!!

Continued Success & Blessings!!


  1. Thx. Rod. Yeah!!! No sugar coated candy gum drops on this Post - LOL!

  2. HI LOVE! I think this week's MONA GIRL BLOG was the best of them all! Mainly because u released your truth & supported it in an articular manner. Kudos for u love, great job! :-)

  3. Thanks Angie! That means a lot coming from YOU! I'm walking and talking out my life now in and transparent. Lonnnnnnng time coming for Mona :)
