Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

The longer I live the more I understand how Very, **VERY** important it is for us to have a PASSION .....a PURPOSE for Living out our Lives!

What's Your PASSION? What gets your juices flowing? What gets you excited about Life?.......Your golf game, your family, your career, your favorite sports team, helping/caring for others, your exercise routine, your fashion style, being a Mighty Servant for Our Lord?? WHAT IS YOUR PASSION?

If you don't have something that causes you to want to GO ALL OUT and GIVE IT YOUR ALL - *I PRAY* that in 2015 you find Your PASSION, Your PURPOSE!!

In order to walk out our Life Journey, in order to be the Blessing God has birthed us to is essential that we have a yearning to fulfill that deep calling in our heart and soul.  It is important that our Lives are NOT ALL ABOUT US!  And when we get to that point, when we humble ourselves and realize that it truly is NOT ALL 'BOUT US?!? WE WILL FIND OUR PASSION........OUR PURPOSE!  We will organically walk right into what and why the Lord has Blessed us with these precious Lives. Oh Yeah!! What Peace.....What PEACE You will feel! And YOU will do **AMAZING** things.  God has a **MIGHTY PURPOSE** for YOUR LIFE!!  I Promise!

"But His purpose is born of love and resides in the heart.  It's more about being kind, having patience, being determined, never giving up, being self-controlled, joy, peace, gentleness.....the fruits of the spirit." (Jesse & Lizzy,

Family...."real talk"?? (as my friend Shellie says)....I want to let you know that it took me awhile to figure out and *Confidently* step into My PURPOSE (well, God's reason for me being here- LOL!)  And to be completely honest?!?  I'm still a "Work in Progress in HIS Hands".  Figuring out Mona's PURPOSE only came about as a result of lots of twists and turns, ups and downs, highs and only came about as a result of ME WALKING OUT THIS GOD DIRECTED, UNPREDICTABLE, SOMETIMES MESSY, AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL THING CALLED LIFE.

Whew!!!  OK!  Sooooooo, that's all the Lord's put on my mind for today's Mona Girl Blog. As I leave you until next Wednesday, here are a few things to ponder as you seek Your PASSION....Your PURPOSE.   

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God." (Psalm 42:1)

"Your heart will be where your treasure is." (Matthew 6:21)

(Thanks Shellie)

"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us." (Romans 12:6)


Continued Success and Blessings Family!!!

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