Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Are You "FAUX" Real.....or "FOR" Real?

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

You can tell by the title of today's Mona Girl Blog where the Lord is leading my message (smile). How many of you have had your fill of Faux Real Folks?  People who are Not REAL.  Operating daily with fake personalities.......walking out their lives as Pretenders.  Yeah!  I can raise my hand in this class (me being a Faux Real Folk in recovery) and say YES!! I have had my fill.  And as I get older and deeper in my relationship with My Lord.....whewee!!  My tolerance level for the Faux Real Folks and their drama is at an all time low, especially after an intense, God-ordained Assignment that I completed in 2014. defines "REAL" as: genuine; not counterfeit, artificial, or imitation; authentic. And to be honest?  I think some of the Faux Real Folks I come in contact with truly do not know they are being inauthentic or phony.  I mean, if you don't know can you be Real?!? I remember there was a time in my life when I didn't know who I was and I wanted to Please EVERYONE!  It was my mission in life to fit in.  And if that meant dressing a certain way, talking a certain way, hanging with a certain crowd, walking out my life a certain way.....then I did it!  All for the sake of "fitting in", even if it made me uncomfortable in my own skin.  All for the sake of "fitting in", so I wouldn't have to do the hard (and sometimes uncomfortable - ouch!) work of  finding out who Mona really was.

Ohhhhhh but when I realized that I was created by the Master Creator.......that I am created in HIS Image and Likeness.........Yeah! That's when the striving to please everyone, that's when desperately trying to fit in, that's when exhausting myself to be a part of the crowd......all ceased.  And instead, I welcomed the God-ordained process (even when it got a little prickly at times) of finding out/learning who Mona really was. When I finally came to the Peaceful place that **I AM HIS**.......Oh Yeah!!! Pleasing My Lord became (and continues to be) all that matters to me. My transformation from Faux Real to FOR Real took place. "So God created human beings, making them to be like himself.  He created them male and female..." (Genesis 1:27)

When you are FOR Real, you walk in Peace. When you are FOR Real, you are more loving and forgiving. When you are FOR Real, the petty people/things in life don't bother you.  When you are FOR Real, you *PRAY* for your Haters and those who talk about you. When you are FOR Real, you genuinely care for others. When you are FOR Real, you reflect your Lord's Light and Love.  When you are FOR Real, you have Amazing and Authentic relationships with family and friends.  And When you are FOR Real......YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO BE YOURSELF! "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."- E.E. Cummings

Family, if you don't get anything else from today's Mona Girl Blog, **PLEASE GET THIS**: When you are courageously being Your True Self, no matter what the Faux Real Folks are saying about You.......God sees your Heart!  God sees your Authentic, Sincere and Courageous spirit!  "But the Lord said to him, "Pay no attention to how tall and handsome he is.  I have rejected him, because I do no judge as people judge.  They look at the outward appearance, but I look at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7) OK!!  That's what the Lord said to the Prophet Samuel when He instructed Samuel to pick David as the next King of Israel.  David......the short, low on class and etiquette shepherd boy whose family passed over BUT God chose!!  It doesn't matter how folks perceive/judge you, all that matters is that you are being TRUE TO YOU and living/walking out Your FOR REAL Life :) "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."- Dr. Seuss  
Whewee!  Dr. Seuss ALWAYS knew what he was talkin 'bout - LOL!

In closing today's Mona Girl Blog, I am leaving you with some great "Tips on Being True to Yourself" that I read in an article that you can read about in its entirety here: Be True to Yourself

Tips on Being True to Yourself

Be who you are, be your genuine self
Follow your own value system and common sense
Listen to the advice of others, but make up your own mind
Recognize, appreciate, and develop your unique talents
Stand up for what you believe in and you will gain respect
Know that being 'different' is a gift (Love, Love this one!!)
Understand that you are enriching others by being yourself

So let's give a Big Shout Out to ALL the FOR REAL FOLKS!! We know Who we are and Whose we are!  And at the same time, let's make a commitment to PRAY for the Faux Real Folks in hopes that they will join us shortly :)  #FRFR!

Continued Success and Blessings Family!!!     

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