Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well my Beautiful Ones...........Abba dropped this Fabulous word pic in my eye gates earlier this week from Restored Ministries and as I gazed at the brilliant red ornament...all sparkly and shiny......illuminating the tree lights.......the thought came to my spirit: "Who Do You Reflect?"

Oh Yeah! That's quite a ways from just checkin out the sparkly, shiny tree ornament!! LOL! But That's how Abba and I roll. And That's what He's got on tap Today for His Mona Girl Blog. 😇

So Here We Go...........

We ALL Reflect something or someone right? I mean, we are living in this world, walking out our lives and we all tend to pattern our lives after folks.......whether our parents, our siblings, teacher, mentor, celebrity/public figure, shero/hero, Pastor, Priest, Rabbi........we all Reflect parts of others and our environments in our personalities. And in most cases, we tend to stick pretty much to the status quo, not going too far "outside the box". We have a deep hunger to belong.  We like to stay in our comfort zones and not tread or stray too far from what society deems as "normal".  We feel by doing this we will be more accepted, more liked, more embraced by the masses.........but then comes the question that started us Down this road today........."Who Do You Reflect?"

And y'all know me by now. When Holy Spirit lays questions out here for Us to Pause and Ponder, we are Always led to His Word. And being we are days away from CHRISTmas and the birth of our Beautiful brings to the forefront how Perfectly Created in Adonai's Image Jesus was/is. How It Cost Him EVERYTHING to come to Earth as a Babe; grow as a Man; walk out His Life Reflecting Abba Father as He alleviated suffering, touched lives and saved souls; Sacrificed His Life for our Sins; and arose Victorious for our Salvation!! Oh Hallelujah!!!! Now That's what I call Perfect LOVE!  Thank You Jesus!

"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6, NIV)

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16, KJV)

Our King Jesus was the Poster Child for Being DIFFERENT! He was/is not like any other person on Earth! Our King Jesus was/is UNIQUE! He walked the "Road Less Traveled" and Loves, if we want to make our lives REALLY count, if we want to Genuinely Live an Authentic Life on Purpose, we will need to hook our stars to King Jesus. We will need to seek His Heart and His Ways.....we will need to Reflect HIM in our daily lives. We will need to spend quality time with Jesus in order to learn from Him, be led and guided by Him. All this is part of the Divine Process that's needed/required in order to Belong to Know Reflect HIM! To Reflect those who gaze at You! To Reflect HIM......ALL for His Glory!

And Yeah Family! To DO This, To LIVE This way.....the Reflecting Jesus Way.......You will be seen as DIFFERENT! You will be seen as taking the "Road Less Traveled". You will be seen as UNIQUE! But You will be seen as HIS!! And from one who's Doing IT in Real Time (Only by the Grace of God!! Thx. Yahweh!!).....I can tell you there's No ONE Better to Reflect than our King Jesus, our great High Priest, our Lord & Saviour.....Emmanuel! 🙏🙌🙌

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Matthew 7:13-14, NIV)

So Loves, as I bring our time together this week to a close........and as you're gazing at all the pretty, sparkly, shiny ornaments this CHRISTmas.....and as we enter into the New Year 2019......I drop this little seed in your heart space......"Who Do You Reflect?"........DO YOU DARE To Be DIFFERENT?!

**For those beautiful souls who want to REALLY take today's Message to the Next Level and make a Covenant with Abba Father at this special time of year, and enter 2019 Living in your God-Ordained Purpose Reflecting Jesus who LOVES YOU Soooooo Much!!! No Matter What!  No Matter Who! Please Email (, DM (@MonaGirlNYC) or FB Private Message Me me so I can have the Honor and the Privilege of Sharing the PRAYER OF SALVATION with You! Oh Hallelujah!! IT will be an Awesome Experience!! I Promise!! 🙏🙏💖💖

Merry Blessed CHRISTmas!! Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

Metsies' Off-Season Scripture #12:

Merry CHRISTmas my Mets' Men!

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