Wednesday, December 5, 2018

HEART CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, Holy Spirit dropped This Powerful Word Pic of TRUTH in my eye gates last week and has been Nudging me to Share. I hope IT Touches Hearts and Souls, Convicts where needed, Wakes Up & Ignites Dead Attitudes and Radically Changes Un-Christlike Behavior!!

On my life journey, Abba and I have become ONE. And when my Soul and Heart GRIEVE in union with His Spirit.......I run to Him in Prayer........

Father God. Please cause our Hearts and Souls to WAKE UP to the reality of how We as Your Sons and Daughters are living out life right now. Please convict Us with the Purity of Your Will regarding our continued Inhumane Actions towards our fellow Brothers and Sisters who are crying out for Help, Comfort, Peace and Justice. Please Lord, let Us not allow Religion and Politics to continue to rule and reign in our hearts in place of Your Love and Compassion. You, Beautiful Jesus, are ALL about Souls and let Us get back to a people and a world where We are ALL about Souls. Please mightily touch the souls and hearts of our Nation's Leaders to Seek You First in Prayer for Your Divine Guidance, Wisdom and Discernment. Please Father God, let the Leaders of Your Great America See with Your eyes of Love and Mercy instead of eyes of fear, pride, prejudice, harm, cruelty and injustice. Please Lord God let Us make a Change...a Radical Change so that from This day forward We Live our Lives Like You Jesus. Filled to overflowing with Love, Compassion, Mercy and Integrity for our fellow Brothers and Sisters around Your World. Please Jesus, do not give up on Us, do not turn away from us, do not remove Your Loving hand from our lives. We NEED You Now more than ever! In Jesus' Name I Pray. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Metsies' Off-Season Scripture #10:

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