Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Heart is Heavy for some of You so Today.......Holy Spirit has me Taking a *DIVINE TIME OUT* to PRAY with You. So Please Give me Your Hands, Bow Your Head and Close Your Eyes and Let's Go To God Together Right NOW!.............

Father God,

We come Boldly and Humbly to Your Mighty Throne of Grace Right Now. 

Lord You know what's Heavy on our Hearts. You know ALL of our Needs & Desires. You know that some are walking through a Loss of a Loved One; Challenges at Work; Situations in our Marriages; Problems within our Families with Children or Siblings; Financial Hardships; Desiring Healing in Mind, Body and Soul. You are our Lord God Omniscient so You KNOW It ALL! And You are our Lord God Omnipotent so You CAN DO It ALL! 

So Abba, we come to You asking for You to Show Up in our circumstances. To Speak to our Hearts and Minds. To Lead us and Guide us Your Way Yahweh! So that we may persevere in Your Strength and Grace and come out on the other side of this "Life Stuff" Stronger, Wiser, Closer to You and More Than Conquerors! So that we may emerge with a Divine Real Time VICTORY All for Your Glory! So that we may Come Out Knowing and Proclaiming Who we are and Whose We are in order to be a Beacon of Your Light to Touch and Help Others who may be walking through their own "Life Stuff" not knowing You as their Hope and Assurance. 

Father God, our Loving and Comforting Pappa, we Thank You for Listening and Answering our Prayers according to Your Will.  We know You are Always thinking of Us and that You will Never Leave or Forsake Us. We Rest in the Peace of knowing You Only want and have the Best for Us.  We Thank You for being our Helper, our Good Shepherd and Jehovah Jireh (Our Provider). We Love You and We Know You Love Us.  Father God, We give You All Praise and Honor. In Jesus' Name. Amen.  Amen. Amen.

My Beautiful Ones, Thank YOU for taking a *DIVINE TIME OUT* with me so Holy Spirit could speak This Mighty Prayer thru me to YOU! Put This Mighty Prayer on Repeat in your Soul! Meditate on It! Share It! Speak IT out loud to Yourself! Change the Words and Make IT Your Own Loving Prayer to Abba Father!

Go to HIM and Give HIM Your Heart and Soul!  SIT with HIM and Feel HIS Comforting and Peaceful Presence as You Pray! I Promise You My Precious Brothers and Sisters, You will NEVER be the same again nor look at Prayer the same again.....when You Go Humbly and Lovingly and Transparently to Your Father God in Prayer!! HE Knows Your Heart! HE MADE YOU!! Just Try IT & Watch how You Feel as You begin to Grow into a Deep, Authentic and REAL Relationship with Daddy God!!

As You Speak the Powerful Name of JESUS as You Pray....your burdens will be will experience a Holy & Courageous will Feel the Sweet Grace and PEACE of God that "surpasses ALL understanding" (Philippians 4:7).....and You will Feel STRONG, FREE and ALIVE! Hallelujah! Thank You Father God! I Love You Lord Jesus!!

Loves, I'm here via Email or FB Messenger if you need me. Don't you Dare Forget.....We are Family And We are HIS! And Abba Father is saying to Us Right Now...."I GOT THIS!!" Love You Loves!!! 🙏🙏💗💗

#ExhaleLifeStuff #InhaleGodStuff #GodsGotYOU!!!!! #WorshipHIM24/7

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in Prayer, believing that you have received it, and it will be yours.  And when you stand Praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins." 
(Mark 11:24-25, NIV)

Thank You Anointed Pamela!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets' Gushing Moment:
With a few of my Mets' Men on the Mend and Battling Back.....and my Mets' Men Grinding out 162 Each & Every Day..........THIS JAM RIGHT HERE (one of my All Time Faves!!) IS FOR YOU!!

"WARRIOR" by Andy Caldwell

#YouAreAWarrior! 🌟🙏



Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #27:

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