Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, Today is the First Day of HANUKKAH and Holy Spirit dropped this Devotional Message in my lap this morning that I so enjoyed reading.  It's from my fave Rabbi, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein and I just had to SHARE with You.

It's not a long's a wonderful Word on the History of Hanukkah along with a Message of Encouragement, Motivation and Inspiration.  And based on what I've walked through this last few months of 2017, and I Know some of You have been on a similar Divine Ordained Journey of Faith & Trust as well, this Holy Spirit Word is just what We need!! As We're moving into 2018 ("8" Biblically Meaning - New Beginnings) and are already walking out the Jewish Year 5778 (the Year of the Open Door), it's truly a Time of Reflection, Renewal, Recovery, Restoration and, like today's Message says, "Re-dedication".

So for those of Our Mona Girl Blog Family who Celebrate Hanukkah - HAPPY HANUKKAH! and for those who don't, let's All pour a cup of tea or bev of choice, silence all the noise and just Soak In and Walk Out Real Time, this Word of Hope, Peace and New Beginnings from Rabbi Yechiel..........**REDEDICATION**

*P.S.* If you want to grow a little deeper over the next Eight Days of  Hanukkah, check out this
Hanukkah Bible Study. 😇

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

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