Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Blessed Merry CHRISTmas!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, Holy Spirit has my heart and emotions on OVER DRIVE today and I want to start off our time together by saying THANK YOU for YOU!!

I say it often and I MEAN IT.........I am soooooooooo Very Blessed by YOU and the time WE spend together every Wednesday at HIS Mona Girl Blog Table! Our Daddy God continues to Grow and Nourish and Fuel and Educate and Ignite the Hearts and Souls of HIS World-wide Mona Girl Blog Family!!

From Our Family in the States to Our Family around the Globe in places I have to Google to see exactly where YOU are on this Big Beautiful Earth, I am soooooooo Very BLESSED Beyond BLESSED to be with YOU on this Awesome Weekly Ride! What a Special Gift YOU are in my life!!

For those of Us who Celebrate the Wonderful Blessing of the Birth of the Baby Jesus and ALL that Jesus continues to mean to Us and Our Eternal Salvation......Blessed Merry CHRISTmas!! 

May You and Your Loved Ones take time to Enjoy and Celebrate the *REAL* Reason for the Season amidst all the hoopla of presents and gifts and more presents and gifts, May We *DESIRE* to Be In His PRESENCE! And, May We *REMEMBER* and Give Thanks to Our Father God who gave Us The GREATEST CHRISTmas GIFT of ALL.........His Son, Our Lord & Saviour, King Jesus!!

Family, as noted up top, my heart and emotions are on OVER DRIVE today, so before I let you go, I have *3* Things to Share with YOU that mean CHRISTmas to Me.........

#1: A CHRISTmas Prayer
Father God. I come to You asking for Your Hand of Love, Peace and Joy over each and every one  reading this.  I Pray for a CHRISTmas Season like no other this year for Your Mona Girl Blog Family. I Pray that ALL of our needs are met according to Your Riches In Glory. I Pray Love abounds and overflows from each and every heart.  I Pray our lives continue to be a Mighty Reflection of  You and Your Love Jesus. I Pray where there are storms and trials in our lives, that We lay them ALL at Your Feet Right Now Father God, for Your Powerful Touch of Healing and Restoration.  I Pray We will continue to Seek You and Your Kingdom First and that You will continue to Use Us as Your Light that Shines Brightly throughout the World.  I Pray as We walk out the last steps of 2017 (a year of warfare training, preparation, cleansing of hearts/souls, completion and perfection) and expectantly walk into the year 2018 (a year of New Beginnings and Unimaginable Divine Opportunities and Assignments), that We continue to See Your Mighty Hand of Guidance, Blessing and Anointing.  Please Lord God, continue to Keep Us Safe and Secure in our special place in this World and to Always be our Refuge and Strong Tower no matter who or what. We Thank You Jesus for being Our Loving Shepherd as We continue to Do this Thing Called Life with You. And Lord God, may We continue to be Loving and Kind and Caring and Forgiving to Ourselves, Our Loved Ones, Our Friends and Our Enemies. Oh! And one last thing Father God, I Pray for A Mighty Tsunami of God-Ordained Holy Spirit Orchestrated Blessings, Favor and CHRISTmas Miracles to chase down and overtake each and every One of Us.  ALL for Your Glory and Honor, In The Mighty and Precious Name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen, Thank You God! Amen, Thank You Lord! AMEN.

#2: A CHRISTmas Song

*P.S.* I couldn't pick just One, so these are My Two FAVE Versions of the Same Song!! And Loves, Earbuds In.....Volume on BLAST!!!!! Oh Yeah!!!!! #DoneFork! ðŸ˜‡

*P.S.S.* Stumbled upon Daniel D. on Facebook one evening (Thx Holy Spirit!!) and this Brother Right Here?!! Oh Yeah Gifted!! G-I-F-T-E-D!! Just Listen to this snippet and then check him out
 here for More Music, to Purchase and Subscribe!! Daniel D.

#3: A CHRISTmas Scripture

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings My Loves!! Blessed Merry CHRISTmas!!

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