Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Welllll Loves, Today Holy Spirit's got me in a "I just gotta get this off my chest" kind of mood.  And if you follow me on Twitter @MonaGirlNYC, you'll see that from time to time I tend to be a tad passionate when it comes to injustices and stupidity in Politics, injustices regarding Animal Rights and injustices in Sports! 

I have a compassionate heart for ALL God's Creatures and I just can't tolerate when I see those who feel they have Power in this world, use it against those who are less fortunate or against those who are bold and courageous enough to challenge the status quo. I am ALL about a Good Cause.  And once I go in Prayer with what's being said or done by those who champion the Good Cause Holy Spirit's dropped in my head and heart space.......OH YEAH! IT'S ON!!

I've been sitting back quietly reading the many articles, listening to sports radio, watching the stories on SportsCenter, reading what's been posted on, following the Twitter Feeds........and y'all already know from up top, I'm in a "I just gotta get this off my chest" kind of mood. So here we Go........

Back on October 2, 2016, Colin Kaepernick, the biracial (African-American/White) Quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers decided to kneel during the National Anthem before the Dallas Cowboys Game in Santa Clara, CA. And Whewee! Has that choice from his heart to take a knee as a protest against what he deemed as injustices and wrongdoings in our society along with the horrid cases of police brutality against African-Americans and Minorities in the U.S., opened up a whole new Play Book in his life. I'm not going to get into ALL the many details of his choice to kneel and what folks are saying, you can Google "Colin Kaepernick" and get your fill of the DRAMA but I am led to speak to the fact that because of his choice to kneel in protest for a Cause that he's compassionate about, I like tens of thousands of others, feel he's being blackballed by the National Football League. And if you take the time to do your due diligence, you may arrive at the same conclusion.

Family, as I stated when we started our time together today, I just can't tolerate when I see those who feel they have Power in this world, use it against those who are bold and courageous enough to challenge the status quo, to speak (or in Colin's case to take a silent, non-violent action) in support of a Good and Important Cause. And what I've learned from my experience of coming along side/standing in agreement with folks who society labels as radical, audacious, risk-takers, defiant, loose cannons, over the top, etc. (all names I've been called by the way - LOL!), to champion their Good Cause, they end up emerging from the Drama as heroes, as more than conquerors, as Victors and not Victims! These folks end up shining a Bright Light on Dark injustices; exposing those who are behind the injustice; and making our crazy, messed up world a better place, a more compassionate place, a more loving place for those who are being minimized, targeted and hurt by society's injustices.

Now Loves, you know me by Now and You KNOW when Holy Spirit puts something on my heart that I'm passionate about, I ALWAYS have an Action Plan for us.  So take a look-see at this Amazing Video that a group of Pastors and Leaders created to support Colin and take a major stand against the NFL in its blackballing of Colin.  I so LOVE the fact that it was created by a group of Pastors (and I'll say it again).......once I Pray over an injustice that Holy Spirit drops into my head and heart space......OH YEAH!! IT'S ON!!

And no matter where you are in the world of our Mona Girl Blog Family, you can join me and tens of thousands of others in taking a stand against the National Football League by committing to follow the easy Plan of Action the Pastor's outline in their Awesome Video!!

OK! So I'm gonna get off my soap box for *Now* and let you watch this Powerful, Important and NECESSARY Call to Action!!

And if you want to follow Colin on Twitter and check out what he's doing REAL TIME to help the less fortunate and fight Oppression, which by the way, the NFL should be jumping on the band wagon to support instead of blackballing here: The Million Dollar Pledge. And to check out his Foundation's here: Colin Kaepernick Foundation

"But He's already made it plain how to live, what to do, 
what God is looking for in men and women. 
It's quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, 
be compassionate and loyal in your love, 
And don't take yourself to seriously - take God seriously." (Micah 6:8, MSG)

"You bless those people who are honest and fair in everything they do." (Psalm 106:3, CEV)

"Good people celebrate when justice triumphs, but for the workers of evil, it's a bad day." (Proverbs 21:15, MSG)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

Mets Gushing Moment:

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #29:
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1, NIV)

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