Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, I come to you today fresh off a Wonderful Holy Release from a not-so-Peaceful environment into a perfectly Peaceful environment. And I must say, I am Happy and Blessed to be right here with You this Wednesday to experience what "thus saith the Lord."

As Holy Spirit was ALL up in my mind last night with today's Mona Girl Blog Word, He brought to my attention that We ALL can experience PEACE in our natural environments despite the circumstances or situation.  Whether sitting in traffic, dealing with a toxic relationship, being bombarded by noise and confusion throughout the day, being around folks who are not Peaceful, being overwhelmed by the world's drama, dealing with natural disasters like storms, etc. In each of these circumstances, We can dig deep and get to a place of *LIFE PEACE*.  Getting our thoughts and minds to a place of PEACE despite the current stuff we are walking through in real time. Getting our minds and hearts to a place of "sleeping in the back of the boat kind of Peace" that our Jesus experienced when His Disciples were freaking out in the midst of the natural Storm (Matthew 4:37-38) Oh Yeah! That's the kind of PEACE I've leaned with the help of Holy Spirit to experience........*LIFE PEACE*. Being at PEACE no matter what's going on in my natural circumstances.  It's not an Instant Manifestation but it is attainable if we keep a positive attitude and remain calm in our hearts and minds.

Ohhhh but Loves.  Holy Spirit brought another kind of PEACE to mind last night that's like NOTHING else on this earth!! It's a PEACE the Apostle Paul speaks of in our lives that goes beyond ANYTHING We can naturally produce on our own. (Philippians 4:7)  It's a PEACE that wayyyyyy surpasses and outweighs *LIFE PEACE*.  It's a PEACE that's anchored deep down in the core of our Being.  It's a PEACE that comes with KNOWING and LOVING and LIVING with Jesus! It's a *SOUL PEACE*. A PEACE that one ups *LIFE PEACE*. A PEACE that is a constant and steadfast by product of a life lived with Jesus as our focus.....Jesus as our priority.....Jesus as our foundation!!

Family, please understand, there's nothing wrong with *LIFE PEACE*. It's a good thing to have but it's can only take us so far because it's something We Do in our own strength.  But *SOUL PEACE*?!  Whewee! It will take us to destinies and mountain tops with Our Lord Jesus that We could never create or produce on our own because it's a result of HIM Living in's something We don't Do in our own strength but it's something we Have because of HIS Strength!

Y'all know one of my Fave Mighty Men of God in the Bible is King David!! And Lordy, did King David have lots of stuff (and that's a HUGE understatement) to be a 24/7 disturbance to his *LIFE PEACE*. But because King David was a "Man After God's Own Heart", he spent most of his life (even with all of his foolishness and fleshly shenanigans)  in the place of *SOUL PEACE*.  He had a PEACE that was a constant and steadfast by product of a life lived with Jesus as his focus....Jesus as his priority...Jesus as his foundation!  And because of his *SOUL PEACE* life style, King David penned one of my fave Psalms on PEACE in the Bible.  And if you take a close-look-see, you won't even see the word "PEACE" noted in the Bible Verse. But it's's present in King David's perfectly selected's present in his passion in the's present in each and every syllable......

"The Lord is my shepherd; 
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord
Forever." (Psalm 23, NKJV)

Oh Yeah! As you can see, the word "PEACE" is no where up in this Powerful Psalm but it radiates, it screams PEACE!! And Loves, this is where I'm hoping We can get to, stay and experience 24/7 just like King David.........a life of Nothing But God All Up In The Mix *SOUL PEACE*!!! These are the kind of folks I want to have in my Tribe......I want to be a part of my Life Journey.....folks anchored and living out lives from a place of *SOUL PEACE*.

So when folks ask or We inquire of ourselves, GOT PEACE? We can unequivocally say with certainty and assurance........YES, I DO.......I'VE GOT *SOUL PEACE*!!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:
Goooooo Mets..........Beat StankYees!!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #28:
"And God will generously provide all you need.  Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others." (2 Corinthians 9:8, NLT)

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