Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves......What 'cha think? You like the "New Look" of Mona Girl Blog's Header?

Yeah, *Thanks Shellie* for the Wisdom and Guidance regarding my Spirit-Granted Purpose!! And Loves, I urge you to think about the "three words" that describe, sum up YOUR Life Purpose.....Your Calling.....Your Spirit-Granted Purpose!! (I'm here if you have questions, etc.)

OK! I got off track there..... got EXCITED 'bout Show & Tell of the "New Look" Holy Spirit added to my Soul and His Blog.......but NOW let's get to where we need to be.....

For Today's **Featured Message** for #EncoreWednesday!, we get a helping hand from one of our Family Members in Egypt who's taking us back to TWEET......TWEET from Wednesday, June 24, 2015. شكرا لك حبيبي  (which means "Thank You Love!".....I hope).

**Remember**: Email me at or post in Comments below or DM me on Twitter at @MonaGirlNYC to have your Fave Mona Girl Blog re-posted the last Wednesday of the month for #EncoreWednesday!


NOTE: As I reread this post from 2015, lots changed with my Twitter time/focus (LOL!) and being the Baseball Junkie that I am.....I'm back on MLB.TV :)


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Today's Mona Girl Blog is about Social Media. I have to be completely honest, I am NOT a big Social Media person (hence why I procrastinated in starting Mona Girl Blog Thanks Holy Spirit!).  But I do have a Twitter account @MonaGirlNYC that I use mainly to Tweet Wednesday's Blog, communicate on a limited basis with Friends (my Tweets are ALWAYS too long), and follow my fave NYC Restaurants/Food Trucks/Chefs, Inspirational Folks, ESPN/SportsCenter, Travel and Film Stuff.

You all know my Fave Team is The New York Mets and for the last few months, I've been at a location where I've not had the joy of watching My Metsies on  SNY.  And since I canceled my MLB.TV Membership (to watch/listen to games live), I've been keeping close tabs on my Metsies Men via MLB Gameday and "Mets on Twitter" via MetsBlog which is by far my Fave way to track the Games. Tweets come in from the slew of Mets Reporters, The New York Mets Team site, etc.  I'm partial to the following three "Twitter Folks", (yeah, I made that's a Monaism) @MetsBooth, @MarcCarig and @AnthonyDiComo.  Their Tweets are funny, factual, informative, laced with sarcasm at times and just down right witty. I was thinking about Social Media, my mind wandered to thinking about What if Jesus had a Twitter Account?!? LOL!  Yeah, I KNOW.......I am way out in the deep end today with this but come on.....take my hand and let's see where this leads us.

Soooo, we know that in order to have a Twitter Account, you have to have a Username so here are some of the Usernames I came up with for Our Lord and Savior: @JesusChristSaves or @JC2000A.D. or @JesusRSavior and my fave, @JesusLives!

OK!! And now that we've discussed options for Jesus' Username, just imagine if Jesus came on the scene and Tweeted His First BIG Miracle - #Jesus Turns Water Into Wine at the Wedding at Cana - John 2:1-11 (read the Bible Scripture at: Jesus' First Miracle). Can you imagine the Number of Followers and Retweets and Likes He would have received INSTANTLY?!? Whewee! YOU Go JESUS!!

Or what if Jesus decided to Tweet what He did one evening in the desert with a little boys lunch (5 small loaves of bread and 2 fish), after He finished preaching to an audience of 5000+ - #Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - Matthew 14:13-21 (read the Bible Scripture at: Jesus Feeds Five Thousand).  Can you imagine the Tweets and Instagram Photos!! Twitter would have crashed!! Hallelujah!!

OK, pleeeeeeez indulge me for just One more "What if"........What if Jesus Tweeted His Miracle when He raised His Boy and life long friend Lazarus from the Dead?!? - #Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead -John 11:38-44 (read the Bible Scripture at: The Raising of Lazarus). Oh YEAH!! I can't even Begin to Imagine the Selfies of Jesus and Lazarus!!! Yeah Jesus!!

Family, this was FUN!! I tell you one thing......if Our Lord and Savior had a Twitter Account, I would be His BIGGEST Follower....hanging on Each and Everyone of HIS Awesome Tweets!!  Thanks to the Holy Spirit for feeding me the **Biblical Twitter** "What If's". And as I ALWAYS say, when it comes to Mona Girl BlogWE just NEVER know where Our Lord is going to lead, teach and laugh with US on any given Wednesday.

"Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink, but I trust to come unto you and speak face to face, that our joy may be full." (2 John 1:12, JUB)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:

 Nuff Said!! #I'mStillDrinkinTheKool-Aid!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #21:
"Always be joyful.  Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NLT)

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