Wednesday, December 21, 2016

LET HIM........!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Wheweeee!! Just a *heads up*.......I'M ON FULL THROTTLE with this Mighty Word Holy Spirit is downloading for Us today!!! So cut me some slack if I'm a tad "all over the place" and just to be safe, you better Buckle Up......this is going to be an Amazing The-Wednesday-before-CHRISTmas Read!!!

OK! Breathe Mona.........Breathe!! OK!! Sharing with You below a POWERFUL Word from one of my Fave Ministries - The Passion Translation.  All I have to say is Pleeeez LET EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY SYLLABLE SINK DEEEEEEP INTO YOUR HEART & SOUL........and I'll meet you on the other side after the Read :)

"Let Him smother me with kisses, Your Spirit-kiss divine." (Song of Songs 1:2, The Passion Translation)

What a wonderful way to begin your journey into God’s heart! There is no striving or heavy burden with those two words…"Let Him"

We begin with yielding our hearts to Him and simply Let Him be everything to us. 

Let Him be your strength today!

Let Him be the One to hold you fast today!

Let Him open the door for you into His love!

Let Him carry every burden and care that is unbearable for you!

So easy, so good to daily Let Him be your all. To go further into Christ’s love does not mean you have to struggle, or painfully push yourself forward.

He cares more about you than anyone. We move forward when we Let Him smother us with kisses and simply respond to his love.

To enter the doorway of Jesus' heart we must begin by saying, "Let Him."

We only bring him a yielded heart and must "Let Him" do the rest. God's loving grace means that he will be enough for us. We can "Let Him" be everything to us. We don't begin by doing but by yielding.

Pray this prayer:
Lord, so many times I thought the burden was on me to advance and grow in love. But in fact, your love is what opens my heart for more! I rest in your love today and I calmly yield to every new revelation you give me.  Smother me with your kisses until I am drawn deeper in your love. I give you every burden of my heart and every passion of my soul. I delight to let you be everything to me.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

OH Yeah Loves!! What do you think?!? Are You as pumped as I am (or not so much - LOL!).  I just can't shake the MAGNIFICENCE of LET HIM!! Only Two Words that pack sooooo much POWER & AWE & TRUTH!!  As I was reading this for the umpteenth time........I got my own list of LET HIM'S brewing and got even more excited.........SHARING:


Let Him be Our PEACE!

Let Him come into Our lives as Jesus the Babe, Jesus the Son and Jesus Our SAVIOUR!

Let Him be the Reason we RECEIVE, BELIEVE, DAILY WALK OUT and SHARE the Good News of  John 3:16

Let Him be Our Way, Our Truth and Our Light! John 14:6

Let Him show You Who you REALLY are and Whose You Are! 2 Corinthians 5:16-20

Let Him be The ONE who fills the void in Our lives, who fills the hole in Our Hearts!

Let Him be EMMANUEL (God with Us)!

Let Him be Lord God in Our lives......Our Priority......OUR EVERYTHING!

Family, I could go On and On and On but am gonna shut it down now and give *YOU* a chance to share in the comments below Your LET HIM'S with Us.

And for the Mona Girl Blog Family who Celebrate, Honor and Give Glory to God for CHRISTmas.......I wish You and Your Family a VERY MERRY BLESSED CHRISTMAS!!

And I urge you to pause, take a selah moment and just REMEMBER THE **REAL** REASON FOR THE SEASON......the Bestest CHRISTmas Gift of All......the Birth of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

And (this is the last "And", I promise)......before I let you go........drink in this version of "O Holy Night" my Mommy used to say......NO ONE does it Better than The Queen of Gospel........

**Oh Yeah! Ear Buds In....MAX Volume**

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

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