Wednesday, November 16, 2016

TRUST HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

For the last few weeks, I've been **Walking Out Real Time** a Scripture that's at the top of the Bible's Greatest Hits List......a Scripture that's on the tip of the tongue of every True Word-Abider/Believer: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6, KJV)

TRUST HIM! No matter what our circumstances/situations look like in the natural, no matter what we are growing through, no matter what folks are saying about us. And We are to TRUST HIM WITH ALL THINE HEART! Not just the portion of our heart we parcel off and give to Our Lord because it's comfortable but We are to TRUST HIM WITH OUR ENTIRE HEART! OUR EVERYTHING!

Whewee Family! That's TRULY easier said than done!  Depending on the exact date and time, the foolishness of folks in our lives, the intensity of the Life Stuff that's hovering around (smile), that's a Tall Order from Our Lord!! But Thank God that's Not the end of this If/Then Scripture from Our Heavenly Father!

HE says If We TRUST HIM WITH ALL OUR HEART......Then HE WILL GUIDE US, DIRECT US, LEAD US IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!  So If We do our part and do not give into our Will, our Wants, our Shenanigans of trying to fix things on our end (that's called Pride by the way) and Give Him the Glory! Give Him a Shout Out! Acknowledge Him as Our Ride or Die!.....Then He's Got Us!! And Loves, what an Awesome, Loving,  Peace-of-Mind **PROMISE** from Abba Father that gives Us the courage to Hold On.....that gives us the Bold Confidence to KNOW that We KNOW that We KNOW no matter the insurmountable, seemingly impossible task(s) Life throws our way or the "Stuff" that comes across our path, He's Got Us!

Commercial Break: And Family, if We Push Pause and just think about, reflect on ALL the Mighty Saints of God in the Bible who TRUSTED HIM! TRUSTED HIM WITH THEIR ENTIRE HEART!! Oh Yeah, the list is endless........Moses, Queen Esther, Mary (Jesus' Mother Mary), Jacob, Isaac, Joseph, King David, Rahab, Hannah, Ruth, Naomi, Job, Joshua, Caleb, Elijah, Elisha, Noah, Deborah, Elizabeth, Apostle Paul, the TWELVE DISCIPLES, The Woman with the Issue of Blood, The Samaritan Woman at the Well, Jeremiah, Sarah, Abraham, JESUS!!!!!! Whewee!! Google their names and You'll have a lifetime of Encouragement, Inspiration and CONFIRMATION on Why, **WHY** Family We Can, Should and Do TRUST HIM!!! 

Y'all know me and I LOVE to feel Your warm, around-the-globe energy, so Please say with me Right Now what thus saith the Lord because there's POWER in His Word when We speak it Together out loud: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6, KJV) Oh Yeah! That's God Stuff! Thank You!! THANK YOU!!

Now Loves, if you haven't gotten your fill of today's Scripture, take a look at Proverbs 3:5-6, Message Version for an Icing on the Cake/Cherry On Top Read! Oh Yeah! Once again.... God Stuff!

Holy Spirit brought a read across my path earlier today (Thanks Shalawn!) that He's nudging me to drop in right here before we close out our time together.  I hope it gives You even more reason.....encourages You even more to continue to TRUST HIM!

There are benefits, advantages and promises directly correlated to one’s absolute TRUST in God. God loves each and every one of His children and just like a parent or guardian displays love and protection for their child, God abounds even more than that in our lives, because He has the resources, wisdom, knowledge and power to do more than we can ask, think or imagine. We are covered by the LORD regarding all aspects of our lives. Nothing about you is insignificant and as a child of covenant you are covered in God’s: 

Love, Grace, Mercy, Increase, Promotion 
Loving Kindness, Joy, Peace, Gifts 
Protection, Healing, Son-Jesus Christ, Redemption 
Forgiveness, Future, Fulfilled Calling for your life, Care 
Peace, Favor, Timing, Relationship 
Promises, Blessings, Rewards, Plan and so much more! 

The Lord completely covers us when we TRUST him completely and know without a doubt that He is our refuge, strength, promise keeper and protection.  In life it is easy to pick up the futile acts of worry, anxiety, fear and doubt but when we completely trust God no matter what is going on in us and around us worry, fear, anxiety and doubt will be forced to leave because our faith in God is greater than any circumstance. We are truly covered by the LORD. 

God knows who we are, what He has created and what we are equipped to accomplish. God is completely aware of our inabilities and He possesses all ability to cover us in every area of our lives.  When you read God’s word let it sink in as a direct promise to you, because that is exactly what it is. God has covered ALL in your life but we are commanded not to worry, not to fear and TRUST God no matter what it looks like. In the natural it may be tough but spiritually and with God’s grace "You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you." (Philippians 4:13).   

Life is full of challenges, choices, changes and characters but remain encouraged today by Psalm 91 that you are completely covered by the LORD in all things regarding you.  To God be the Glory! - Dr. Kennetra A. Bryant

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!


  1. Excellently stated. TRUST HIM in All Ways and in All things

  2. Excellently stated. TRUST HIM in All Ways and in All things

  3. Amen Shalawn and Thank You! I added Dr. Bryant as the Author for her Wonderful Word on TRUST :)

  4. Thank you for this much needed encouraging message. :)

  5. Hi Beautiful Tamika. You are Welcome! To God Be the Glory! And Tamika....HE'S GOT YOU!! Love You and thank you for "touching and agreeing" on Mona Girl Blog :)

  6. Hi Loves. I received this Prayer this morning that fits PERFECTLY into Wednesday's Post - Thank You Jesus! Thought I would share it for those who want to TRUST HIM More :)

    Lord, I confess I have put You in a box. I’ve made You a God who’s comfortable for me. I don’t want You to stretch me, challenge me, or ask me to do anything where I have to really trust You, because honestly, it’s just too scary. But this has never been Your desire for me. You are so much greater! I’m sorry for making You small. I’m sorry for not really knowing who You say You are. Give me eyes to see You, ears to hear Your whispers, and a heart that responds to Your grace. Amen.
