Wednesday, October 26, 2016

WHAT A BEAUTY............

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Let's jump in right from the gitgo...........


A lavender, pink, orange, rust sunset? A 7:00am Tee Time as the sun rises on a pristine golf course? On a plane rising above the storm and bursting through the clouds into the pure, divine Heavenlies? The birth of your first child? Coming out of Staples after a down pour and seeing a Brilliant Rainbow? Seeing a fellow New Yorker help an elderly person across the street? Traveling the World and seeing God's Magnificent Works & Natural Wonders? Life Long GENUINE Friendships? Standing on the shore of the ocean and taking in the vastness of HIS Creation? Holding the hand of Your Loved One as they take their last breath before going Home to be with the Lord? Watching your doggie make a new friend at the doggie park? Watching/Listening to school kids at recess? Watching a Dancer flawlessly showcase his/her God-Given Talents? Experiencing a friend's Dream come True? Experiencing God's Healing Touch in Your Life? Watching your fave sports team compete at the Highest Level? Seeing the Awesome colors of Fall in Central Park? A Powerful Testimony of Perseverance and Faith? Being In LOVE? Having a front row seat to watch God Move Mightily in Your Life?.....................

Oh Yeah! I could go on and on and on.......And I KNOW You have your Own Definitions of Beauty that are a part of your life (and if led, please share below).

But today Family, I come to You with a Beautiful Message from our friend Madisyn Taylor from DailyOM that puts a rosy red "cherry-on-top" and chimes in to answer today's Mona Girl Blog Question.....WHAT'S YOUR DEFINITION OF BEAUTY?


All we have to do is look for beauty, and she is there all around us at any given moment.

Beauty speaks to us in soft whispers or bold declarations. She calls on us to gaze in awe at her splendor. We are enticed by beauty. We adore her, idolize her, and even court her.  Beauty seduces all of our senses.  Beauty's seduction can be as obvious as the striking good looks of a man or woman or as subtle as the charms of a shaggy dog with loving brown eyes.  We find beauty in the wonders of nature.  Beauty offers us a symphony of colors with every sunrise and sunset and reveals to us her brash power through a storm at sea. Beauty teases us through the shy smile of a child and delights us via the brilliant flashes of fireworks.  Beauty sometimes piques all of our senses at once, appealing to our taste buds, as well as our eyes and nose, when she appears in the form of a deliciously baked cake.  Beauty calms us with floral scents and excites our aural lust through the passionate sounds made by an orchestra.

Beauty can be cruel, and our pursuit of her can be in vain.  We may go to the opera in anticipation of finding beauty there, and she may bore and disappoint us.  Instead, beauty lavishes her attention on another suitor who may be more appreciative of her charms.  Or, we may try to capture beauty's essence in a photograph, painting or sculpture, and still she is nowhere to be found.  Beauty will forever inspire works of art, and she will always pose for her portrait, selecting the artist who is most worthy of her catching her likeness.

Depending on our personal tastes, beauty can be found in every color, flavor, scent and texture.  She lives among the poor, as well as the rich, and appears in the faces of the young and the old. She is at home in the city, as well as the country, decorating skylines as well as landscapes. She is the ultimate shape shifter.  Beauty is a weather beaten barn beloved by one person and an awesome testament of naval craftsmanship revered by another.  Beauty knows no bounds, and we can find her everywhere. All we have to do is look for beauty, and she is there.

Loves, I hope this take on BEAUTY from Ms. Taylor opens Your eyes, Your perspective, Your world to see BEAUTY in EVERYTHING! I close out our time together today with two BEAUTIFUL Take-A-Ways.......

"He has made everything beautiful in its time.  Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end." (Ecclesiastes 3:11, NKJV)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

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