Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Whewee!! Today, Holy Spirit STILL has me a tad overwhelmed and emotional from the
Baseball Game that transcended Baseball on Monday evening......My New York Mets vs. the Miami Marlins!

It was MORE than a Baseball Game, it was a Celebration of Life and the Presence of the Lord, Our Heavenly Father, was ALLLLLL ova, up and in Marlins Park! I watched the Game Live on TV, can't even begin to Imagine what it felt like to be sitting in the ballpark, watching this God-Ordained, Miracle unfold! YES! Our Heavenly Father and His Beautiful, Strong, Gifted and Humble Angel - Jose Fernandez were In The House!! LARGE & IN CHARGE!

For the full back story and the surreal details of Monday Nights' Game: In Miami, Mets' solidarity 'deeper than just baseball'

It's NOW Wednesday and I Still can't shake Monday evening's events. As I was falling asleep Monday night, Holy Spirit kept bringing to my mind (front and center), Jose Fernandez's Amazing, Beyond Life Story (and so many others like him) who STEPPED OUT IN FAITH TO LIVE THEIR DREAM of Playing Baseball in the Big Leagues in the US!  Jose Abreu, Chicago White Sox; Yasiel Puig, Los Angeles Dodgers; Aroldis Chapman, Chicago Cubs; Yoenis Cespedes of my Beloved Metsies and many many more!

During Monday's Game, when the Announcers/Reporters referred to Jose Fernandez, and so many times before when describing the Now MLB Players who've defected from Cuba, I keep hearing the same things: "He plays with such Passion, such Joy, he truly has a Genuine Love for the Game. Nothing seems to rattle him. He comes up Big in critical situations, He's a Game Changer. He's so Calm and Confident. He's had a major impact on the Game and how it's played."

Well, of COURSE Jose played with Joy and Passion for the Game he LOVED! Of COURSE, Yo comes up BIG in Critical Situations. Of COURSE these Men are Game Changers!! Look at what they ENDURED, SACRIFICED, WALKED OUT IN **REAL TIME** TO EVEN GET TO THE STATES!!

For Jose, Three, THREE attempted defections from Cuba that landed him at 15 years old in a Cuban Prison! Then saving his Mother who went overboard while on the boat coming to the US!! Yoenis' warrior-like journey and his families "horribly-gone-wrong", death defying journey to join him!!  Each of these Men, These COURAGEOUS MEN, and so many others like them, have incredible, Nothing But God Testimonies of their Journeys to America!!

NOT being able to say Good-bye to their Families and Friends, NOT knowing what would happen to their Families they left behind, NOT knowing WHEN if EVER they would be able to return to their home land Cuba, NOT knowing what lied ahead of them on their Life or Death Journey, NOT KNOWING anything but the aching deep in their Hearts and Souls for a Better Life for them and their Families, and to LIVE THEIR DREAM OF BEING A MLB PLAYER!!


OH YEAH!! Coming up to the plate in a Baseball Game in the 9th Inning with Bases Loaded, Tied Score and hitting a Grand Slam........or Pitching Your BEST GAME and Breaking Franchise and MLB Records EACH TIME you take the mound.....or having to face the media, not speaking Good English and Still NEVER being short for Words of Wisdom........or having to answer the haters who say your ego is out of control, that you "show up" other players with your enthusiastic, flamboyant style of Play.......Oh Yeah!! No Problem, No Worries, No Stress......PIECE OF CAKE!! IS THAT ALL YA GOT?!?  NEXT!!!!!

What we, as Americans, need to remember when we see these Courageous, Bold and FREE Spirited Men (from Cuba, Latin America) is that WE WERE BORN HERE!  We were BLESSED to be birthed on American soil.  These Men and soooooo many of our Brothers and Sisters all over this World, had to ESCAPE to Get Here! Had to LIVE and PERSEVERE through things, conditions, circumstances, *Life Stuff* WE can't even begin to imagine!! Had to wake up each day wondering how much more money will I need to pay the smugglers, the "escorts" to get my Family with me once I am FREE....Who can I Really I SURE I'm making the right decision.....will my DREAM come true.......will I spend the rest of my life in prison if I don't make it......WILL I DIE TRYING?!?  Yeah Loves, These are just some of the gut-wrenching. bigger-than-life questions YOU and I will NEVER, EVER have to ask ourselves!! Because WE WERE BORN HERE!!

So Family, as I close out today's Mona Girl can tell I feel very passionate about this Message! Thank You Holy Spirit!  It's near and dear to my Heart what these Courageous Men and Women and their Families have Endured, Sacrificed , Exhibited Walk On Water Faith to get the Land of the Free and the Brave!

And I get why they walk with such Freedom, such Boldness, such God-Confidence!! I get why they are Game Changers, not only in Baseball but in Life!!  I Get It! I See It! Cuz, Family, when you Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death and come out **HIS**....COME OUT **HIS**!!! You are a Bright Light that Nothing or No One can extinguish!! You Truly (Hallelujah!) are Living (Thank You Jesus!) an "All Things Are Possible" Life. Whewee!! Glory to God!!

Watching these COURAGEOUS Men and Women on their Bigger-Than-Life Platforms, move with such Grace and Humility, I don't judge them or question their Gifts, their Talents, their ABSOLUTE JOY FOR LIFE! And I hope, when you Stop and Ponder, You will also not question but CELEBRATE LIFE with them....let their infectious Love, Genuineness, Authenticity, Comfortable in their Own Skin Behavior over take YOU!! Let it Consume YOU!! Oh YEAH Family! What a Wonderfully Magnificent, REAL Way to LIVE!

"Now may God, the inspiration and foundation of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable  joy and perfect peace as you trust in Him." (Romans 15:13, TPT)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

Mets Gushing Moment:
My Metsies Men have such Class! They radiate Class, Respect, Kindness, Warmth , Compassion & Love!!!!

And They can PLAY some Baseball Y'all!!

I am **WILD** FOR THE WILD CARD!! #BackToWinItALL!!!

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