Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Holy Spirit dropped a Pic Quote in my lap over the weekend and it's been Riding Shotgun ever since. Posted it to my Facebook Page, Twitter and Google+.  Just can't get it out of my Head and Heart sooooooo guess what?!? YEAH!! Posting it here, this Wednesday, for our Mona Girl Blog Family.

Before I share the Pic Quote, want to share what Holy Spirit put on my Heart when I first read it. For those of You who read what "Thus Saith the Lord" every Wednesday on Mona Girl Blog, it's clear I've had some "Prickly Seasons" in my life (smile). But It's ALL Good because these "Prickly Seasons" have been Required, Necessary, Essential, Right On Time, in Equipping Me for My Life Purpose. So I am NOT Complaining I am Praising Our Daddy God for His God-Ordained Lessons. Whewee!!

Anywho, as I opened my email over the weekend, and as I was getting ready to delete a file - BAM!! There it WAS, Big, Bold and in Real Time!! I had to read it a few times to Reallly let the words sink in.....and as they did.......Deeep into my Heart and Soul.......with Tears of LOVE streaming down my cheeks.....I said out loud: "Yes Lord.  I will continue to PRAY For & FORGIVE Them matter what".

Family, As YOU Know....when life gets a tad gnarly and We, for whatever reason, are Living and Growing Through Prickly Seasons, it will involve other folks as well. Folks (family, friends, strangers, etc.) who will either come along side us and Understand, Encourage,Help, Speak Holy Wisdom (not theirs y'all but the Lord's Wisdom).....or come along side us with Drama, Judgement, Complaints, Negativity, Disrespect, all the while passing the pitcher of Hater-Aid round to others to join in to toast our demise.  When This is what they should, In Brotherly and Sisterly Love Be Doing:

"Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you are also doing." (1 Thessalonians 5:ll, NKJV)

But Loves, Again, It's ALL Good because It's ALL Required, Necessary and Essential to What God's Doing in Our Lives, to What God's Allowing in Our Lives, to What God's Orchestrating in Our Lives for Our BIG NEXT...for Our Life Purpose! And We MUST Remember: We Serve a Great, Good God and His Hand of Correction and Love and Discipline (no matter how cray cray it looks) is Always for Our Best!

So I say ALL this to say......Not Everyone will Celebrate and/or Cry with us as we Grow, Navigate and Move through our "Prickly Season" nor will Everyone UNDERSTAND!! And I've learned that some folks tried to get as far, far away from me during my Season of Prickliness....cuz they didn't' want to go through the Growth Process themselves, Put in the Time to get Equipped and were the further away from me the better and sadly the further away from a Life of Authenticity, Transparency and Freedom (smile).  And some of You KNOW first-hand, because You've Walked the takes time, effort, tears, humbling of pride, dying to self, not all fun & games stuff to pay the Costly Tolls on this "Yes-Lord-Send-Me-Road"...No E-ZPass allowed.

"But the gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there are few people who find it." (Matthew 7:14)

But Ohhhhhhhh FAMILY.....Who We Become, Who We Are, and Whose We Are after our Prickly Seasons?!?  PRICELESS!

"But he knows the way that I take; when he as tested me, I will come forth as gold." (Job 23:10, NIV)

"I know how great this makes you feel, even though you have to put up with every kind of aggravation in the meantime.  Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it's your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of His Victory." (1 Peter 1:6-7, MSG, emphasis added).

OK!!  OK!! I can just hear you......"Enough Mona!! And SHOW US THE PIC QUOTE ALREADY!!!" LOL!! Sorry Family, I just get soooo fired up when I think about **Us Decreasing so HE can Increase in Our Lives!!**

And Loves, PLEASE join Me in PRAYING FOR & FORGIVING THOSE Who don't Understand, Who would rather gossip about Our God-Ordained Journey than come along side, Who may be Afraid to take the Plunge towards Freedom and Authenticity and Who sadly have Decided it's easier to remain on the Shore than Step out into the Deep with Us and Jesus.....and to LIVE, Really LIVE, in the "ecstasy of spiritual liberty" (Yeah! "ecstasy of spiritual liberty"....That's God Stuff from "Small Straws in a Soft Wind" by Marsha Burns).

My Loves, I just want to Pause and THANK YOU for Who You ALL Are in My Life!  I soooo LOVE being on this God-Ordained Journey with YOU and I APPRECIATE Each and Every One of YOU from all over Our Lord's Beautiful World!  THANK YOU for Your Presence and Your Energy Every Wednesday!! LOVE You Much Much!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:
OK. Gotta catch my breath and slow down so I can get All this Out so it makes sense!! OK. Breathe Mona.........

NOW! I asked you last Wednesday if You'd been Watching?!? 

Well, I just want to Let You Know, Put You on Alert, Bring It to Your Full Attention...........


Yeah I said IT!!  "For NOTHING is Impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)

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