Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well today's Mona Girl Blog comes courtesy of Holy Spirit through Pastor Jeff Chandler from The Village in Atlanta, GA.

For the last few Sunday's I've been BLESSED to be in God's House, The Village, and I've been BLESSED by the Mighty Men of God, Pastor Ray and Pastor Jeff, who continue to bring a Relevant...Right On Time......Gettin Mona Ready for God's Next.....RIGHT NOW Word!

And LAST Sunday, Pastor Jeff preached about DREAMS!!! Oh YEAH!!! And how We are  ALL DREAM CARRIERS and how We should ALL be DREAM ENCOURAGERS........NOT Dream Takers!!

Family, over the last couple years, I've been in environments where folks (who claim, btw, to be Believers/Christians...smh) are straight up DREAM TAKERS.  They put down, sabotage, speak against, make fun of Your DREAMS. They try to dim the Light that shines so Brightly towards Your DREAMS! Whewee! What a horrible, unhappy, sad, unproductive and ungodly way to live. PRAYERS UP for them!!

And as Pastor Jeff explained, folks who do this....folks who walk out their lives this way.....folks who poo poo on Your DREAMS......Don't Have or Have Not Claimed their **Own** Dreams.......and that's why they're so eager to Crush, Take, Speak Negatively Against, Cause You to Second Guess....Your DREAMS!!

God has planted, downloaded into ALL of Us, DREAMS & DESIRES for our lives. And He's equipped us, Blessed us with the special gifts and talents to fulfill Our Dreams.  That's why we are here on Earth.......that's why He wakes us up every morning....that's why we continue to hear His still small voice whispering (and sometimes Yelling - LOL!) to Our Hearts, Minds and Souls.  Our Heavenly Father wants us to walk out in Real Time living as His DREAM CARRIERS!  And that's why He brings folks into our lives who are Our DREAM ENCOURAGERS!!  We are to help, encourage, "cheer on", build up each other and to Live Out Our DREAMS.....NOT to be Dream Takers!!

Following are some Scriptures Pastor Jeff shared to CONFIRM his Message and God's Promises to US which are now Riding Shotgun with Me.....and I hope You too :)

"We must also consider how to encourage each other to show love and to do good things." (Hebrews 10:24, GW)

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." (1 Thessalonians 5:11, NIV)

"Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God." (Romans 15:7, NKJV)

So Loves, I Hope and Pray you take this TIMELY Word to Heart.  If You don't know what Your DREAMS are, Seek God in Prayer and I promise, He will speak to Your Mind and Soul.  He will guide and direct You to Your DREAMS.  He will connect you with DREAM ENCOURAGERS who are Also DREAM CARRIERS who You can Encourage! It's ALL One Big, God-Ordained, Circle of Positivity!

And Family, just like Pastor Jeff did, I leave you with the PERFECT Pic Word and Song to Walk Out...Run Towards Your DREAMS.........because You are a DREAM CARRIER who is Also a DREAM ENCOURAGER!! #DreamOn!! #GetYourDreamOn!!

Mets Gushing Moment:
If My Mighty Mets Men KEEP on Playing Like They're Playing.......KEEP on Showing Up and Showing Out.....KEEP on Drinking the Winning Kool-Aid (Big Gulp Size Pleez)!!! Oh Yeah!! Mona's **DREAMS** are definitely Coming TRUE!! #DreamOn!! #BackToWinItALL!! 

P.S. Matt will be Just Fine!......#StopTheDRAMA!!

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