Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

I PRAY WE are ALL still Giving THANKS even though we've turned the page on another Thanksgiving Holiday.  Let's make a pact, that WE will continue to Give THANKS no matter our circumstances, challenges....No Matter what stuff life brings our way.  And I can promise You by doing this "Giving THANKS" thing daily, we will have a much better attitude toward life and others, we will smile more, we will be more loving and kind, we will be more likable to be around.  OK?!?  YOU with ME??  YES!!! Thank YOU!!

So what's on tap for today's Mona Girl Blog you ask??  It seems that ALL I've been reading, hearing, seeing is folks going Over board and I mean Wayyyyyy OVAAAAA board on the Holiday Shopping (aka Black Friday) activities.  And with all of this waste-of-time foolishness bombarding my brain waves, I received the "gut check" read/message from my Sister Friend (Thanks Shalawn!) I'm sharing with YOU today that's about a precious commodity that we sometimes, most likely abuse.....TIME

Side Bar: Family, could you imagine if Folks got **Black Friday Excited** over coming to Jesus....Giving their lives to the Lord?!?  Oh Yeah! I'd be FIRST in Line at that Door Buster!!

As we get deeper into the Christmas/Holiday Season, I hope, PRAY that each of us will take Time to chill-lax, that each of us will take Time to REMEMBER the Reason for the Season, that each of us will take Time to spend quality time with Family & Friends, that each of us will give ourselves a Personal Time Out in order to pause and ponder what WE are actually doing with OUR TIME!! The Awesome Gift of Precious TIME....the seconds, minutes hours, days, weeks......We have ALL been Blessed with from our Wonderful Heavenly Father. So Family, I ask YOU, What are you doing with Your TIME?

Well, here's how one author (by the way, don't know who actually wrote this insightful word on Time) breaks it down......

Every night when the clock strikes midnight, you don't turn into a pumpkin but you are the recipient of a brand new, shining gift. We all receive the same amount of this gift regardless of weight, age, education, beauty, job description or marital status. When each new day raises its sleepy head, you are the sole owner of 1440 of the most powerful commodity ever known in the history of mankind. At precisely one second after midnight, every single day of your life, heaven opens its windows and gives to you 1440 untouched and valuable minutes to spend. How you spend your minutes is entirely up to you! Time is free, but it is priceless! 

You can gossip or you can worship - you can be filled with anger or with gratitude - you can jog five miles or watch television all day long - you can read a book or go to the mall. You, and you alone, choose how you will capitalize on this extravagant and priceless gift. You can choose to laugh or to cry - to whine or rejoice - to be negative or to be positive - to be bitter or to be better. These 1440 pieces of time belong to you and to no one else but you! They are not your husband's or your boss's or your children's to spend. 

It is true that there are things that we have to do. Most of us must work but we choose how we work. We can either go to the office with a chip on our shoulder, filled with angst and negativity or we can walk in with a happy heart, a solid work ethic and praying for those in our office. You can hate every minute that you are at work and waste time by gossiping with the girls in the office, playing computer games and sneaking out the door five minutes early. Or you can know that God has set you in this particular office to be a blessing and to bring the excellence and character of God into your workplace. 

It is true, you have to take care of aging parents, raise your children and take out that dreaded trash. Nevertheless, you choose how to do your have-to's. You can march through life with heavy steps and a frustrated heart or you can perform all of the necessities in life with patience, love and joy.

Wheweeee!  Message Received!!  #Done!Fork!

So Loves, as I send you off to ponder, meditate.....WALK/LIVE OUT this Mighty Word..........I ask YOU again, What are YOU doing with Your TIME?

Continued Success & Blessings!!

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