Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Today's Mona Girl Blog is about taking a DEEEEEEEP BREATH.........

Over the last couple weeks, I have received quite a few Prayer Requests from our Mona Girl Blog Family. And it's evident from the type of Prayer Requests I've received, there are some who are going through their own personal *March Madness* (and I'm not talking about the NCAA basketball games). LOL!

The Prayer Requests have been for a desire to be free of some of life's challenges, to be able to relax while in the midst of stuff, to be able to BREATHE............despite current circumstances.  The Lord put on my heart that those who are seeking Prayer are overwhelmed and weary from the day-to-day details that are just a direct result of being human on this earth :)

*Testi-Mona Time*:  I know from personal experience that when I get into the "white knuckle grip mode" on life's roller coaster and I'm being tossed about as the ride radically shifts from side to side, plunging up and down.......I run immediately to My Heavenly Father.........I run as fast as I can, requesting His Strength, His Courage, His Encouragement, HIS PEACE!! And when I finally get still, REAL STILL, and find myself Resting in His Awesome Presence (which is one of my fave places to be), I feel/hear His soothing and calming Words and His direction/guidance on how to proceed.  How to face and conquer **whateva** is causing me to fret and lose my cool. I can finally BREATHE..............

"And the Peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7)  A side note on this Scripture (which is one of my faves), the Apostle Paul wrote this Mighty Verse while in prison in Rome!  Oh Yeah!!  Now that's what I call the Peace of God!!!

So Family, as you go through the challenges, difficulties, trials and just the overall uncomfortable under belly stuff that life brings our way, I encourage you to get quiet, get still and seek Our Heavenly Father.  Talk to Him informally like you are chatting with a friend about what's going on and what you should do.  After all, He already knows the entire situation, He's already familiar with your current circumstances......and HE already has a Plan of Action for YOU if you take time to seek HIM.  Sometimes family/friends can give great advice and lend support but if you want the answer that promises to help you BREATHE.......the RIGHT answer..........I recommend dropping to your knees (or bowing your head if you're in public) and seeking Our Lord and Savior.  I can tell you from personal experience, HIS ANSWERS ARE ALWAYS THE BEST!! Now here's a little disclaimer (LOL!), sometimes getting to *HIS BEST ANSWER* is not always the most comfortable or aesthetically pleasing route but in the end, YOU will emerge a Victor and not a Victim of your circumstances!!

"The one who loves us gives us an overwhelming victory in all these difficulties." (Romans 8:37)

As I close out today's Mona Girl Blog, the Word of the minute, hour, day, week, month, year!! BREATHE...........BREATHE.............Oh Yeah!!!  It brings PEACE to my soul just to repeat it over and over and over I allow my mind to slow down, become still, release my "white knuckle grip" and Let Go and Let God DRIVE!! You will not only feel absolute PEACE but when Our Heavenly Father drives, we are guaranteed a safe route/path through our **temporary** trials/challenges to THE BEST.....HIS BEST ANSWERS to life's stuff!!

You all know me by now.  I ALWAYS have Scriptures in my heart and for the last few weeks, here's the Word of God that's been riding shotgun with me: And He said, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." (Exodus 33:14)  Hallelujah!!  I LOVE My Lord!!

P.S. Family, keep those Prayer Requests coming.  YOU know I LOVE to Prayer with and for YOU!

Continued Success and Blessings!

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