Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Spiritual Mission Statement

Hi Family,

Let me first begin today's post by saying **THANK YOU!!!** to all of YOU for checking out Mona Girl Blog's Inaugural Post and for the overwhelming positive and humbling feedback!! As I posted on my Facebook page, Mona Girl Blog is NOT about Mona but about Mona being Obedient to God's Will! With that said, I am excited about today's post.

Now for a little history on how today's post came about.  My friend Shellie Warren, who writes an AMAZING Blog for Single Women: "On Fire" Fast Movement was who God used to give me the FINAL nudge to launch Mona Girl Blog.  The Holy Spirit has been whispering to me to "do it" and I kept putting it off.......and on Tuesday after circulating a cool exercise to the Mona Must Read Family (email me if you want to be added to the E-group), Shellie replied instantly with "Mona, you need to create your own Blog " and here I am...finally!!  "Thanks Shellie for your never ending encouragement and love".  The Lord truly speaks to us through our friends :) 

Hmph.......I seem to have gotten a tad off track........where was I going with all this?  Oh Yeah! "How today's post came about...." LOL!  OK, so today's post is about your Spiritual Mission Statement (the cool exercise I circulated to the Mona Must Read Family) and how we ALL have a *Purpose* to walk out in this life. Even though we are working in our particular career of choice (or seeking to), whether we realize it or not, we are still being used by God (or He is trying to get our attention in order to use us). As a result, we have a "dual role/purpose" for our lives........we are here to be His Servants while Working an Earthly Job which brings us to our individual Spiritual Mission Statement.  

My Spiritual Mission Statement is: I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Meeting and Event Producer! Again, I have a dual *Purpose* as I walk out Mona's life journey......Serving My Lord while Producing Client Meetings and Events.  I want to ALWAYS reflect His Spirit and His Light when interacting with my clients and their attendees. Not in an overpowering, religious fanatic, "fire and brim stone" kind of way (LOL!) but in a subtle, "what's that special thing that Mona has?" kind of way. It is truly Awesome when a client comes up to me and says......"Mona, how do you stay so calm while under such pressure producing our Meeting?" or "Mona, why don't our 1000+ attendees asking you/your staff the same stupid questions over and over and over again get you rattled?"  I stand tall and strong with a smile on my face and reply - "It's easy.......I have an inner Peace that keeps me calm." And to be completely honest, I have been with most of my clients so long that they know that "Inner Peace" is my Faith :)  AND sometimes a client will come to me for Prayer prior to their Meeting or Event to ensure its Success!! Oh Yeah! #GreatFeeling!

Now it's your turn.  Please take a moment to reply to me in the Comment Section of Mona Girl Blog and complete Your Own Personal Spiritual Mission Statement: 

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a _________________________

And for the Mona Must Read Family who have already completed this cool exercise, check out some of the replies I've received:

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Television Producer!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Speech-Language Pathologist!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Massage Therapist!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Covenant Doula!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Culinary Artist!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Professional/Private Chauffeur!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Marketing and PR Consultant!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Judicial Assistant/Courtroom Deputy! (to the best boss in the world!)

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as an Energy Developer!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Business Owner!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as an Accountant!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Physician and Healer!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Referral and Transition Specialist and Limo Driver!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Therapist and Healer!

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as an Accessories Designer and Maker, Mechanical Engineer and Milliner! 

I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as a Non-food Manager at a local grocery store!

Oh Yeah!! This really puts things in perspective doesn't it? No matter what you do as your career, you are His Servant first and foremost.  And we know our Lord has unlimited resources and we know He LOVES to reward His Obedient Servants!! Whewee! I can speak from personal experience, the more I Shine with His Light onsite with my clients, the more He Blesses me!!  Larger accounts (i.e. my Tithe increases!!), more client bonuses and perks, extra luxury hotel amenities from housekeeping staff (LOL!!), more $$ to pay it forward to Bless others and Glorify God, upgraded flights, etc.  IT IS ALL GOOD :)

Well, that's all I've got for you today.  Thanks for being interactive and completing your
Spiritual Mission Statement.  See how Peaceful you feel?  Keep walking this way and YOU will not be able to contain God's Many and Mighty Blessings!!! 

And those aren't just empty words on Mona Girl Blog.....It's God's PROMISE to ALL of us!!  
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4)

Much Love and Blessings!!


  1. Glad I stopped by today to read your blog and get the gentle reminder to live my dreams and get back to the process of doing/being what I am meant to be doing/being and fulfilling my life's purpose rather than what others would have me do.

    1. Thanks Dana for stopping by and for your words of wisdom. Love you!

  2. Hey Ms. Mona,

    Awh!!! Thanks so much for the shout out and I'm *so proud* of your enthusiasm, your follow-thru and how you *consistently* encourage others.

    Embrace and enjoy where this "egg" takes you.

    Ahavah Shalom,

    1. Thank you Shellie! You've been a Mighty Inspiration :) AND I am truly embracing/enjoying where this "egg" is taking me. Thanks again for the beautiful bird nest and eggs necklace. It continues to be a Powerful Confirmation of what God has NEXT for Me :) Love you.

  3. I am a SERVANT OF THE LIVING GOD manifesting as an Associate Buyer
