Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New **YOU** Year!!

Hi Family,

As you read this Wednesday's Mona Girl Blog, we are perched on the close of 2014 and walking boldly into 2015!!  Last night, I read a devotional message by my friend Shellie entitled: "What to Do When You're Wondering What's Next."  The MAJOR takeaway for me was the "Biblical" importance of the numbers 2014 and 2015 (shout out to my numbers buddy Fidal!!).  As Shellie explained in her devo, in the Bible, 14 means "Deliverance" and 15 means "Rest".  As one who's had a very productive 2014, being that I completed two intense God-ordained Assignments (both of which you will read about in future Mona Girl Blogs), I am soooooo looking forward to God's DELIVERANCE from 2014 and Him moving me into a Season of REST in 2015!! Shellie's entire devotional is very POWERFUL and great "food for the soul" at this point in our lives.  If you want to view the entire read shoot me an email at

For those of you who know me, you know I am ALLLLL about God confirming His Mighty Hand in my life through Scripture.  And to piggy back on my "Deliverance", the Scripture that defines 2014 for me is: "We seem to be dying, and yet we are still alive. We have been punished, but never killed, and we are always happy even in times of suffering.  Although we are poor, we have made many people rich.  And though we own nothing, everything is ours." (2 Corinthians 6:9-10) LOL!  I know that seems to be a tad sad with a splash of despair but in reality it holds lots of POWER and ENCOURAGEMENT for me.  When I read it, I am INSPIRED!  And as far as 2015 goes?!?  I am excited about boldly walking into God's Season of "Rest" for Mona with these two Scriptures tattooed on my heart:  "However, as it is written: What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived - the things God has prepared for those who love him" (1 Corinthians 2:9) AND "You have granted him his heart's desire and have not withheld the request of his lips." (Psalm 21:2) Oh Yeah!! That's what I'm talking about!! I urge you to get one or two Scriptures that define where you were in 2014 as you move forward into 2015.  Insert your name into the Scriptures to make God's Word personal to you.  I PROMISE it will give you a rush of energy and lift your spirits so you can walk into 2015 with POWER and AUTHORITY!  And if you're feeling it, would LOVE for you to share your Scriptures in the Mona Girl Blog comments.

As we close out this New Year's Eve post, I want to share two emails with you that truly touched my heart this year.  One is from my friend Frank (who is also THE BEST Spin Instructor in the WORLD) and the other is from a dear friend and colleague, Victor Chears. Both men are Angels in my life!!

"While waiting to see if we were going to jump or not, I took a picture of the 
scenery.  It’s funny how you plan on doing one thing and God then makes you drive two 
hours on a Sunday. Then makes you wait in the middle of an open field and makes 
you look up to the sky, just to tell you that his plans for you aren’t what you 
planned for yourself, but not to worry because it will all work out.  Thought 
you might enjoy seeing what my conversation with God looked like yesterday." 
(Frank Salzone)


"This season I felt compelled to use the image of the 1,500 year-old Angel Oak in South Carolina for my holiday message.  Standing in its presence was a humbling experience.  In addition to its above ground magnificence, I imagined the interconnections found below the surface, and the power of its deep and complicated roots.  I also wondered about the "nature" of this mighty being and the lessons it offers such as perseverance, commitment to growth, capacity to withstand adversity, and generosity to other living things.  For 2015, I'm encouraging each of us to consider "what is it that I am rooted in and how can I channel the essence of the Angel Oak?" My pledge is to be actively engaged with who and what matters most to me - family, community, faith, conscious living, justice, courage, and love.  May the New Year bring you good health, joy, fulfillment, and a sense of rootedness in the ideals and values that have meaning in your life.  Peace" (Victor Chears)



Continued Success and Blessings!!

God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!" (Ephesians 3:20, MSG)

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