Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves....Before We get knee deep into #EncoreWednesday!, I MUST  say a Big WOW to those of His Mona Girl Blog Family who Emailed and Private Messaged me on FB about Last Wednesday's Message: PLEASE........STOP THE MADNESS!!!!! Thank You ALL again for reaching out and for your Beautiful Words of Encouragement, Support and Love! You deeply touched my heart and soul!! Cuz You Know It's His Word thru Me for Us!! Thank You Father God! 💗🙏

NOW for Today's **Featured Message** for #EncoreWednesday!, we get a helping hand from a Family Member in Russia (Thanks Ilya!) who's taking us back to WHATEVER........WHENEVER!! from Wednesday, January 17, 2018.  

Whewee! Y'all JUST DON'T KNOW! Sometimes, when You take Us back to the Divine Archives for #EncoreWednesday!, I Am Wrecked (in a God Way!) by the Rinse & Repeat of the Re-post!! 

And Today is Just That! Thanks again my Brother Ilya for bringing this God Word Back To The Top!! And the Scriptures Holy Spirit Chose for This God Word (Zechariah 4:6; Philippians 3:12-14; Ephesians 3:20!!).........Oh Hallelujah!! Thank You Lord!!

 **Remember**: Email me at or Post in Comments below or DM me on  Twitter @MonaGirlNYC to have your Fave Mona Girl Blog re-posted the last Wednesday of the month for #EncoreWednesday! 


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, *TODAY*, Holy Spirit has me sitting here with You, not really knowing *FULLY* what He's going to pen through Mona, so We shall just Wait....Wait......Wait..........

OK! Got It! And Here We Go...............

Last Weekend, The Spirit of The Lord (aka Holy Spirit), brought back to  my mind space the words: "WHATEVER........WHENEVER". "WHATEVER.........WHENEVER". The first time I heard those two words together like that was at a Pre-Convention Meeting wayyyyyy back in 2007 at the W Hotel, Times Square in New York City. Whatever/Whenever was the mantra used by W Hotels Worldwide to instill their philosophy in Meeting Planners and Guests that they could do the ULTIMATE! That The Ladies and Gentlemen of W Hotels throughout the World could grant Whatever/Whenever was requested or required (within legal limits, of course).  From "a pair of jogging shoes at 2am to private Jet service to The Hamptons to a bathtub filled with chocolates." And one of my own off-the-grid Whatever/Whenever requests....
 A Huge 10lb. Bowl of Mike & Ike Candy for the U.S. Marshals Command Post for an on-site Security Detail during a Client Conference. LOL!

As I sat thinking about my personal experience with this mantra over a decade ago as a Meeting Planner, it made me think about those Two Words and How Much Power they represented within the W Hotel Culture. And then, as things always do, it got me thinking about those Two Powerful Words and how they relate to my personal Faith Walk.

Am I a "WHATEVER......WHENEVER" kind of Gal when it comes to "Walking by Faith and Not by Sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7). 

Am I a "WHATEVER.......WHENEVER" kind of Believer when Jesus says "Do You Love Me? Feed My Sheep." (John 21:17). 

Am I a "WHATEVER.......WHENEVER" Child of God when Our Lord says "Whom Shall I Send?" and my immediate reply is "Here I am. Send Me!" (Isaiah 6:8).  

Am I?!..........Are You?!.........Are We?! Oh Yeah! God Stuff to pause and ponder on right here!

Family, As I...As WE, continue to walk out 2018 together in this year of New Beginnings and Open Doors, let's let the *Lessons Learned* from our past trials; let's let the time served in the valley with Our Lord; let's let the "you've got to be kidding me Lord" stint in His God-Ordained wilderness season be the Holy Foundation, the Strong Divine Base on which WE can Now Stand Tall and Boldly Declare with God-Fidence to Our Lord and to the World

No Matter What, No Matter Who, We are Now Equipped, Ready and Willing to Handle, Step Into, Walk Out In Real Time with GOD'S Mighty Grace & Divine Guidance our own personal

".........Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD Almighty." (Zechariah 4:6, NIV)

"Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.  Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I Press Toward the Goal for the Prize of the Upward Call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:12-14,  NKJV, emphasis mine)

"Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this.  He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination!  He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you." (Ephesians 3:20, TPT)

Hallelujah! Now those Scriptures, Right There?! Oh Yeah! That's what I call the Biblical Version of "WHATEVER..........WHENEVER!!"  😇

Well Loves as Holy Spirit brings His Significant Message to a close, let's let   "WHATEVER.....WHENEVER!!" be Our 2018 Mantra.  And when We Do, We'll have a Front Row Seat to *See*, to *Witness*, to *LIVE* the beyond Ephesians 3:20 things Our Heavenly Father will Do In and Through Us! ALL for His Glory!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:
The Mets' Family received some sad news yesterday regarding GM Sandy Alderson. What A Warrior! Sandy's Beautiful Transparency and Honest Words should cause us ALL to Pause and take a Long Look at what's REALLY Important!

Thank You Sandy for Your Courageous, Warrior Spirit! Keeping You in my Prayers for a Full & Complete Healing! In Jesus' Name. NOW Just You Watch Sandy! Just You Watch God Work!! 🙏🙏


Yahoo!! FANTABULOUS Win Last Night!! Now Pleez Do It Again....and Again..and Again!! 👏⭐

God Speed David!!!!! 🙏🙏

*P.S*.: LOVE what Jose (@JoeyBats19) said earlier this week........"I'd rather focus on Positive things and things we can do instead of just kinda analyzing the things that we're doing wrong." Oh Yeah!! EXACTLY!! 🙌🙌



Metsies Winning Season: Scripture #20:

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves.........Coming to You today with such a Heavy Heart. My heart just Aches......just Truly Aches with what is going on in our in the U.S.

Last Week, Holy Spirit kept nudging me to post an Article and a Word on my Twitter and Facebook accounts. And I was Obedient. Now........several days later.......HE continues to nudge me. And because I am HIS and this is HIS Mona Girl Blog......again, I will be Obedient!

It's something I just can't shake and that's why my heart and soul ache.  I Know we've entered some pretty gnarly territory here where we as a Nation are in a loooooooong season of tolerating mortal sin and blindly worshiping false gods.  I can feel the actual spirit of the Lord Grieving!! And that is what's causing my heart to ache.

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth." (1 John 3:17-18, ESV)

As We are His Global Family here and good and bad news travels fast, furiously and FAR......I'm sure most of you have read, heard or seen the inhumane and down-right evil stuff that's happening to our Brothers & Sisters at the U.S. Borders. The majority of these Children of God (cuz That's Who They ARE!), are fleeing extraordinary violence in their countries and seeking asylum (seeking safety, refuge, protection) from all sorts of horrible atrocities. Some are even  Mothers and their children who are Victims of Domestic Violence.

Because I communicate with some of You.....I KNOW You understand what our Brothers & Sisters are walking through because YOU and YOUR Families are Living Out in Real Time some horrible, inconceivable injustices in Your own countries.

But since I'm here in the U.S. and seeing IT play out right in front of my eyes, this is something I JUST CAN'T SHAKE!  Can any of You imagine having Your child forcibly taken away from You in a scary, unfamiliar environment; NOT knowing WHERE he/she is being taken to; NOT knowing WHO is taking care of him/her; NOT being able to contact him/her to see if he/she is OK; NOT speaking the language in order to communicate and ask the appropriate questions; the devastating fear/anguish of NOT knowing WHEN (God forbid if ever) You will see Your Child again?! As a Parent......THINK ABOUT that for a Moment!! THINK ABOUT the irreparable psychological damage and trauma Your Child and You may suffer in Addition to what You are fleeing from in the first place!!!

Those who are the Leaders of the U.S. Government have Truly entered the Gates of Hell with their ZERO-TOLERANCE IMMIGRATION POLICY (click on link to read) and the ongoing INHUMANE TREATMENT OF IMMIGRANT MOTHERS & CHILDREN (click on link to read).

These are just two of the many heart-wrenching Articles where you can read about the surreal things the U.S. President and his administration are doing in the name of the "Law". Just Google "Immigrants At U.S. Borders" or "Children Separated from Parents" and you'll be inundated with Story after Article after Video detailing the evilness that is being done to God's Children! From Video Clips of Crying Babies being forcibly taken from their Mothers; to the disrespectful and abusive treatment of Human Beings by Border Patrol and ICE Agents; to government finger pointing and drama; to the pathological lying, deceitfulness, lack of integrity and pridefulness of America's leaders........IT's ALL here for the World to See!! And more importantly, It's ALL here for God to SEE!! HE SEES & HE KNOWS IT ALL!! And We as a Nation, with our ungodly behavior are GRIEVING OUR LORD'S SPIRIT!!

We have become a Nation that is SO NOT WHO OUR LORD IS Or WANTS US TO BE!! Our Father God IS and ALWAYS will be LOVE!! And as His Children, as His Those Created in HIS Image.....we should be about Our Father's Business.........We should be about Keeping HIS Laws (Commandments).....We should be about LOVE! LOVE FOR ALL.....not just those who Look and Talk Like Us, Live with Us......but LOVE FOR ALL.......ALL OVER HIS WORLD!

Jesus said to him, "'You shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the First and Great Commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall Love your neighbor as yourself.' On these Two Commandments hang ALL the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:37-40, NKJV, emphasis Mine)

Oh Yeah! Now That's PURE TRUTH!! That's Obedience to HIS Laws and Not Man's Laws! That's how We ALL should be Living! I know this is a "pie-in-the-sky" way to look at Life because We as His People have gotten so waaaaaaay of course. But again, these are His Laws....His Commandments for US to Follow! I continue to Mightily PRAY that We as a Nation will begin to Divinely Shift back to Caring about our Brothers & Sisters no matter the color of their skin, no matter where they are from.......NO MATTER WHO OR WHAT!

Loves, until We repent for our ungodly behavior and Make that Mighty Change as a Nation.....until We ALL Walk the Walk and Talk the Talk of TRUTH in The Bible (not quoting Scriptures out of context or misrepresenting The Bible to justify Man's Evilness.....can you say Pharisee?!), BIG Consequences are a coming! It's like Dehumanization of Souls and Chronic Bullying have become our Nation's Banner! So Not *WWJD*!!

"Do not be deceived, God is NOT mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." (Galatians 6:7, NKJV, emphasis Mine)

"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18, ESV)

So as my heart continues to Ache and as I continue to Feel the GRIEVING of our Father's Beautiful and Loving Spirit......I come to You today to ask You, my Brothers & Sisters who are my Global Please, PLEASE PRAY with me for the Souls of our Leaders in America. PLEASE PRAY with me Right Now........

Our Sovereign Lord God, You Still Rule & Reign, You are STILL In Complete Control according to Your Plan and Your Timing.  Please HAVE MERCY ON THE SOULS of America's Leaders.  HAVE MERCY ON THEIR SOULS Lord! Please Forgive their ungodly, dehumanizing Actions. Please Father God, Touch Their Hearts & Souls! Please Lord Help Them Revere You and Put You First in Their Lives. Please Lord God,  Help Us to Forgive Them. Please Father God, Show Up Mightily in the Midst of our PRAY Right Now. And PLEASE........STOP THE MADNESS and Show Out with Your SPECTACULAR JUSTICE!! In Jesus' Name. Amen. 🙏🙏


My Loving Family, Thank You for Touching and Agreeing in PRAY with me! I'm gonna sign off now........cuz I gotta go sit at Abba's Feet for awhile. But want to leave you with a Beautiful Song I received from my wonderful Earth Angel Angie as a result of last *Wednesday's Message*.........that fits PERFECTLY here!! Thanks MAA!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:
*Rinse & Repeat* from Last Wednesday's Gushing Moment: "And They are Getting 
Re-Fueled, Re-Energized and Re-Started!!" 😇🙏🙏


LET'S GO METS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #19:

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, last Wednesday during our time together we learned about THE POWER OF A HUG and ended with Me Giving You a Virtual Hug! And I'm Still craving your energy. So Today, I want us to Share Two Things that make me Mona.....that touch my heart when shared........A SCRIPTURE & A SONG!

Oh Yeah! Name One Scripture & One Song that are Riding Shotgun with You Right Real Time! What's The Scripture that's on the tip of your tongue....that you know by heart....that's Your Divine Go-To Word of Encouragement, Support & Inspiration?!

And.......What's The Song that's at the TOP of Your Play List.......that you're rockin day and night......that you just can't get enough of?!

Being the Global Family that WE are.....Btw, want to Give a Shout Out and Warm Welcome to His Newest Mona Girl Blog Family Members from Kenya, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Trinidad & Tobago, United Kingdom, Canada and South Africa!! Hallelujah! Thank You Lord for continuing to Grow & Fuel Your Global Family!!

Sorry, got a tad excited and off track up I was saying.....Being the Global Family that WE are......I hope You'll Share with us Your Go-To Scripture (in your native language Pleez) along with Your Off-The-Hook Song from Your place in our Wonderful World!

Here Are Mine............


I went waaaaaaay back in the time machine for this One! 
And FYI........I so Slay IT at Karaoke! 😊

OK Loves. Now It's Your Turn! *PLEASE SHARE* via the Comments Below or via Email at Love You Loves!!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:
Game 3.....the Final Game of The Subway Metsies Men Shut OUT, Shut DOWN & Shut UP the Yankees!!!! And They're Getting Re-Fueled, Re-Energized and Re-Started!!

(Shhhhhh. Pretendin last night didn't happen. Sportin my Rose-Colored Glasses. 😇)



Metsies Winning Seaeson - Scripture #18:

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Today Loves.....Holy Spirit has me Sharing with You a God Word and a God Woman.

I am Blessed and so Very Grateful to Abba Father for Divinely Connecting me with His Anointed and Appointed Warrior Bride - Anne Shikuh!! Anne has a Sold Out/Laid Down Life and Genuine Love for her Father God! You can tell when you read His Word thru her that she's "Been With Jesus!" Meaning, Anne has been through some stuff y'all on her Life Journey with Abba Father. He's taken her to some places waaaaaay out in the Deep to do a Powerful, Transformative work in her Heart and Soul.

Anne's a Word-Abider!  She Spends Time with Abba Father in her Bible. She Speaks and Lives His Word.  Anne Reeks of the Fragrance of the Lord and Radiates the Light of Christ! You don't get that way from a casual, Sunday-only relationship with Our Sovereign Lord. You get that way from a Nothing But God Life Style! You get that way from DAILY (as she says in her FB Intro): "Fixing my eyes on Jesus......eyeball to Eyeball."

OK, enough from me. To Intro you to Anne, here's the Pure, Sweet & Full of Love Word Holy Spirit wanted me to Share with You.  Don't want to overwhelm you right off the bat with the He's My Everything! energy of her spirit,so we'll ease into IT........

The Power of a Hug
When you hug someone, genuinely from your heart, you release the tangible hope, love, warmth, comfort and peace of God into their hearts through yours. It's like God uses you as a channel to release His Life to them through you in that moment and sometimes you don't need to say anything after that. 

As you put your arms around them, you release protection to them. You're saying to them, "You're not alone. I've got your back. I'm here. You can count on me. It's gonna be okay. It's alright. You're safe." They feel secure. And sometimes that's all one needs so they can stabilise and think clearly again. 

Did you know, they can actually also encounter the very presence and glory of God that heals and changes their situation supernaturally, as you hug them!

Sometimes God wants to show His Love to someone through a hug......Will you hug someone today?

I hope you enjoyed this Short but Pure Read through Anne! I will feature her on His Mona Girl Blog from time to time as Holy Spirit leads.

And Again....Anne is the REAL DIVINE DEAL Y'all!! If you're on Facebook, check her out for yourself: Anne Shikuh! And if you like what you Read..........Give her a "Like" & a "Follow". I PROMISE......the way Holy Spirit Powerfully and Humbly speaks thru His Servant Anne, will NOT disappoint! Your Soul will be Ignited! As one of her FB friends Christina said about her: "These priceless gems just pour out of her. She has stored up some treasure and isn't afraid to share it."

Today's Message.....THE POWER OF A HUG was My Virtual HUG from Me to You and I hope You Pass It On as You walk out your day, week and beyond! And as we learned today through His Beloved Anne, Giving a Hug can Mean and Do So Much!

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." (1 Thessalonians 5:11, ESV)

P.S. Loves. There's Nothing Like a Big Ole *PRAYER HUG*!! If You're in Need of PRAYER, Email me @ and We'll GO to Abba Father Together! 🙏💗

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:

#LetsGetItGoingMets!!! 🙏🙏

P.S. Here I come with yet Anotha Suggestion (smile). I PRAY for My Metsies before each game (yeah, yeah. Sometimes our Lord doesn't answer right away...that's been obvious - LOL!)

But seriously, have y'all thought of having a Quick PRAYER....TOGETHER as a  GROUP before First Pitch?

There's some TRUTH to that Promise in His Word......."For where Two or Three gather in My Name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:20, NIV)

Why NOT give IT a Try?! You're Trying Everything else. 😇

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #17: