Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Today Loves.....Holy Spirit has me Sharing with You a God Word and a God Woman.

I am Blessed and so Very Grateful to Abba Father for Divinely Connecting me with His Anointed and Appointed Warrior Bride - Anne Shikuh!! Anne has a Sold Out/Laid Down Life and Genuine Love for her Father God! You can tell when you read His Word thru her that she's "Been With Jesus!" Meaning, Anne has been through some stuff y'all on her Life Journey with Abba Father. He's taken her to some places waaaaaay out in the Deep to do a Powerful, Transformative work in her Heart and Soul.

Anne's a Word-Abider!  She Spends Time with Abba Father in her Bible. She Speaks and Lives His Word.  Anne Reeks of the Fragrance of the Lord and Radiates the Light of Christ! You don't get that way from a casual, Sunday-only relationship with Our Sovereign Lord. You get that way from a Nothing But God Life Style! You get that way from DAILY (as she says in her FB Intro): "Fixing my eyes on Jesus......eyeball to Eyeball."

OK, enough from me. To Intro you to Anne, here's the Pure, Sweet & Full of Love Word Holy Spirit wanted me to Share with You.  Don't want to overwhelm you right off the bat with the He's My Everything! energy of her spirit,so we'll ease into IT........

The Power of a Hug
When you hug someone, genuinely from your heart, you release the tangible hope, love, warmth, comfort and peace of God into their hearts through yours. It's like God uses you as a channel to release His Life to them through you in that moment and sometimes you don't need to say anything after that. 

As you put your arms around them, you release protection to them. You're saying to them, "You're not alone. I've got your back. I'm here. You can count on me. It's gonna be okay. It's alright. You're safe." They feel secure. And sometimes that's all one needs so they can stabilise and think clearly again. 

Did you know, they can actually also encounter the very presence and glory of God that heals and changes their situation supernaturally, as you hug them!

Sometimes God wants to show His Love to someone through a hug......Will you hug someone today?

I hope you enjoyed this Short but Pure Read through Anne! I will feature her on His Mona Girl Blog from time to time as Holy Spirit leads.

And Again....Anne is the REAL DIVINE DEAL Y'all!! If you're on Facebook, check her out for yourself: Anne Shikuh! And if you like what you Read..........Give her a "Like" & a "Follow". I PROMISE......the way Holy Spirit Powerfully and Humbly speaks thru His Servant Anne, will NOT disappoint! Your Soul will be Ignited! As one of her FB friends Christina said about her: "These priceless gems just pour out of her. She has stored up some treasure and isn't afraid to share it."

Today's Message.....THE POWER OF A HUG was My Virtual HUG from Me to You and I hope You Pass It On as You walk out your day, week and beyond! And as we learned today through His Beloved Anne, Giving a Hug can Mean and Do So Much!

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." (1 Thessalonians 5:11, ESV)

P.S. Loves. There's Nothing Like a Big Ole *PRAYER HUG*!! If You're in Need of PRAYER, Email me @ and We'll GO to Abba Father Together! πŸ™πŸ’—

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:

#LetsGetItGoingMets!!! πŸ™πŸ™

P.S. Here I come with yet Anotha Suggestion (smile). I PRAY for My Metsies before each game (yeah, yeah. Sometimes our Lord doesn't answer right away...that's been obvious - LOL!)

But seriously, have y'all thought of having a Quick PRAYER....TOGETHER as a  GROUP before First Pitch?

There's some TRUTH to that Promise in His Word......."For where Two or Three gather in My Name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:20, NIV)

Why NOT give IT a Try?! You're Trying Everything else. πŸ˜‡

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #17:

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