Wednesday, April 29, 2015

WOW........REALLY?!? #Humbled!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Because of my emotions of's Mona Girl Blog is going to be a tad all ova the place. But if you hold on tight, just like HE ALWAYS does, Our Lord is going to take us some place special today, so here we go.......

Today is the 22nd Post to Mona Girl Blog and I have been BLOWN AWAY by the encouragement, support, LOVE, knowledge, wisdom, friendship and overall **WONDERFUL** things folks have said to me personally and written to me via email about how the Blog has touched their lives.  Whewee!!! Family, I told YOU when we started on this Blog Journey together, that the Blog IS NOT ABOUT MONA!!  It's ALLLL about Our Heavenly Father speaking through Me to YOU!!! And for 22 Wednesdays and almost 15,000 views later......HE's done just that!!  IT IS ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWING!!

"People learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron." (Proverbs 27:17, GNT)

I looked back and re-read a few of the Posts and had to bow my head in absolute HUMILITY because I KNOW that I KNOW that I KNOW that I'm NOT penning Mona Girl Blog......I'M GOOD (LOL!!) BUT I'M NOT THAT GOOD!! I'm a Continual work in progress. #AlwaysGrowing!

And hasn't Our Lord had us together on an Interesting Ride for the last 22 weeks?!?  We've learned about the Biblical Meaning of Birds in I'M A BIRD WATCHER; had a good belly laugh in LAUGH OUT LOUD #LOL!; discerned if we are walking the walk and talking the talk in "ARE YOU FAUX REAL OR FOR REAL?";  taken an uber close look into Mona's soul with "WHY? OK, I'M COOL WITH THAT"; taken flight in "WHEELS UP!!!; and relished in the glory (with bragging rights NOW!!!) of Mona being a loyal New York Mets Fan in "PLAY BALL!!!! #LetsGoMets!" name just a few :)

Family, if you really think about it......ALL the above mentioned Posts and more were penned for the Sole reason for Our Lord to inspire, encourage, educate, care, and LOVE on YOU!!! I am humbled and honored and just beyond words HE chose Mona to convey His Messages to YOU!!!!  It has TRULY been an AMAZING 22 Wednesdays and I can't **Wait** to see where Our Heavenly Father takes us in Post #23, #24, #25........ WOW!! I LOVE how HE works (Thank you Holy Spirit!!). OUR LORD IS SO VERY, VERY AWESOME!

And to be COMPLETELY honest (which you know by now is easy for me to do - LOL!), YOU have been more of an encouragement and inspiration to MONA!!  I get MORE out of penning and sharing Mona Girl Blog than YOU do!  It's like the Scriptures in the Bible that talk about when you share your "life stuff" with come along side them as an encourager build others up instead of tearing them down. When you share your Faith Walk with others, you GROW in Faith together. You end up experiencing Joy and Peace and LOVE!!

"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good for edification, that it may minister grace unto the hearers." (Ephesians 4:29, JUB)  

"Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other.  None of this going off and doing your own thing.  And cultivate thankfulness.  Let the Word of Christ - the Message- have the run of the house.  Give it plenty of room in your lives.  Instruct and direct one another using good common sense.  And sing, sing your hearts out to God!  Let every detail in your lives - words, actions, whatever - be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way." (Colossians 3:15-17, MSG)

Besides our Mona Girl Blog Family in the U.S., there are folks who are part of our Blog Family in Ghana, Germany, France, Sweden......Oh Yeah!!  LOOK AT GOD!!! Like the title of today's Post says.....WOW!! Really?!?  #Humbled!!

Family, as I close out this Wednesday's Mona Girl Blog, I want to THANK YOU AGAIN for your continued LOVE, SUPPORT, WISDOM and for YOUR EYES & HEARTS this way EVERY Wednesday!!  I LOVE being an Encourager and consider it a VERY, VERY important Assignment and Honor from Our Lord Jesus. After all, that should be our goal in be **MORE LIKE JESUS**.....cuz, believe it or not, WE are sometimes the ONLY Jesus others see!!!

Father God, I come to you Right Now, THANKING YOU for each and every person who reads Your Mona Girl Blog.  I Pray Father, for Blessings over their lives.  I Pray for their families and friends. I Pray for them to have a personal relationship with you.  I Pray for them to seek You Lord in their daily lives in order to have ALL their needs and desires met.  I Pray for Healing, Prosperity, Peace, Joy and Love to chase them down. I am Grateful to You Lord for stopping by Every Wednesday to speak to and Love on US, your Mona Girl Blog Family.  In Jesus' Name. Amen. Amen. Amen.

**If you have not Prayed THE PRAYER OF SALVATION to accept Jesus as Your Lord and Savior, please email me at  I would be honored to Pray with YOU :)

"The purpose of life is not to be happy.  It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Continued Success and Blessings FAMILY!! 


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