Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well...........Hmmmm........I don't know EXACTLY how today's Mona Girl Blog is going to play out but I am here waiting on what Our Lord has to say to US :)

I was chatting with a dear friend over the weekend and he was in a tad of a funk about walking out a trial, tough circumstance in his life.  We've ALL been there, right?  The feelings of..... "Why MUST I go through this?!" "I don't like this!"  "This is uncomfortable!" "Is ALL of this necessary?!?" You know....whining and complaining to Our Lord, to family, to anyone who will listen.....seeking some type of **immediate** relief. AND as I told him (speaking from my own experiences of being in the same boat, because after all, it's just a part of life)........There's a LESSON in it.......Get the LESSON and get out!!

Oh Yeah! That's the hardest part sometimes. We spend so much time whining and complaining about our situation/circumstances, that we don't even notice, discern or want to admit - LOL! there is a LESSON Our Lord wants us to learn from our situation.  There is a  LESSON Our Lord feels is necessary/critical to our our our our Next Steps in life. And I KNOW from first hand experience (been there, done that and have many, many Tshirts), that when you don't get the LESSON the first time around the mountain?!?  Oh Yeah!!  You best get your hiking boots on, cuz Our Heavenly Father is going to take you around, and around, and around that mountain until the LESSON is Learned!!

This is not a new concept (it's actually quite Biblical) for how Our Lord "schools" us when we are ungrateful, complaining or whiny about our circumstances, instead of taking the positive approach and immediately being open/receptive to learning the LESSON He's trying to teach us.  Take the Israelites for example.....because of their rebellion, lack of maturity, not heeding the advice/knowledge/wisdom of their God Appointed and Anointed Leader Moses, their arrogance, their over all sour took them 40 Years to take an 11 Day Journey. And because of their constant D-r-a-m-a, some of them didn't even get into the Promised Land. (Check out this link for the Full Story: Israelites' Journey)

Whewee!!  Like I said to my friend this weekend......Get the LESSON and get out!! If Our Loving Lord led you into the circumstance, you can best bet He has something for us to learn that will be beneficial to us....that will be helpful to us/others.....that will make us into a better YOU and a better ME :)

Jesus answered, "You don't understand now what I'm doing, but it will be clear enough to you later." (John 13:7, MSG)

Family, raising my hand in this class!! This is NOT ALWAYS an easy thing to's NOT ALWAYS easy to "see" the LESSON but if we pause, take time to seek Our Father *FIRST* regarding the LESSON (instead of entering the "complain/whiny room" and staying there), HE will make it clear as to what HIS Will is.......what HE wants us to learn in the midst of our circumstances.  And *AGAIN*, having been there, done that and Got the Tshirt - most times YOU will NOT like the answer you receive regarding your personal LESSON.  Most times YOU will NOT like the person or situation the Lord sends to teach you the LESSON but my loving advice is to bite the bullet, learn the LESSON from whomever/whatever and pleeeeez don't even think about entering the "complain/whiny room".  You'll have more problems trying to get out of there once you enter.  Remember: Israelites......11 Day Journey = 40 YEARS!!

"We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God - those whom he has called according to his plan." (Romans 8:28, GW)

In closing (Thank You Jesus!!) this Wednesday's Mona Girl Blog,  I know today's message may have turned out to be kind of a "prickly" one but I know it served as a reminder to Mona how important it is to Get the LESSON and get out!!  It's not good for You, Me, our Family/Friends or anyone we come in contact with to be a part of our "they'll be coming around the mountain, they'll be coming around the mountain, they'll be coming around the mountain" routine. And when you Get the LESSON and get out!! YOU will Thank Our Lord (Yes, I said Thank Our Lord - LOL!) for the LESSON because you will emerge Stronger, Wiser and Happier.  You will have a deeper relationship with Our Heavenly Father and You will walk in even more of His Awesome Blessings.......I Promise!

"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13, NKJV)

I leave you with a pix quote on Lessons Learned from one of my Fave inspirational sage who I feel has one of the Greatest outlooks on life :)

Continued Success and Blessings!

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