Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Today's Mona Girl Blog is going to be short and sweet and a bit all over the place but please hang in with me, OK?  For the last couple months My Lord, My AMAZING Shepherd, has had me sitting with Him viewing a *Mona Highlight Reel* of the past 3 1/2 years of my life in NYC.  As I sit with Him in absolute quiet and solitude (and in awe at times), He continues to lovingly show/speak to me WHY certain life stuff had to happen and WHY the stuff was essential for Mona's Growth and My Life Purpose.  Yeah!  Gives a whole new meaning to the Scripture "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10).  

Family, if you've never REALLLLLLLY gotten quiet with Our Lord (besides your daily meditation/Bible Study time) and allowed Him to do a little "Show and Tell" with you on your life, I highly recommend it. Whewee!  IT IS TIME WELL SPENT!

I read the following in a Powerful devotional message by Johnny Enlow on how God REWARDS His Saints when we are FULLY yielding to Him.  "This does not mean a life of no challenges - but it does mean a life of greatly satisfying fruitfulness.  You will strive less and accomplish more.  Less effort will bring about more fruit.  Simple obedience will trump leveraging capabilities.  You will learn to Rest, to Worship and to Love - and then repeat that cycle.  At the end of the day it is all about growing more in love and releasing more of that love."

Oh Yeah!!! Key Words for Me: "REST, WORSHIP & LOVE (repeat the cycle)"!!

Well Family, that's all I have for you today (told you it would be a short read).  I know today's Mona Girl Blog seems a tad scattered but my emotions are at full tilt......hence the uber peek into Mona's soul :)  I feel in my heart some of you are on a similar journey of enlightenment and can relate to today's Post.......being the main reason the Lord led me to share this specific, "connect the dots" message. LOL!!
The last couple months have truly been a time of "Why Lord?  OK, I'm Cool with That".  And what a PERFECT time to walk this out with Our Lord as we enter my FAVE time of the year...a time of "spiritual house-cleaning and enlightenment"....The Lenten Season with today being Ash Wednesday.

I leave you today with an AWESOME Poem by Elisha Freeman and a Scripture that have been riding shotgun with me over the last few days.  I feel these two *Confirmations* from God take all I'm experiencing and wrap it up in a nice beautiful box of JOY & GRATITUDE!!  For those of you who are out here with me......I hope the *Confirmations* encourage You, inspire You and bring You peace.


Lord, teach me what You want me to know
So that I will continually grow

To be all that I can truly be
Living a life that truly pleases Thee

May Your Word stay alive and active in me
May I trust and obey with no compromising

Your very Words are tender and sweet
Whether by way of milk or by strong meat

Each Word serves a purpose
Building me up to discern and watch with alertness

That shows I may have gotten off track
And You are only guiding me back

So Lord, whatever the Word You're speaking to me
I gratefully receive because I trust in Thee

-Elisha Freeman
13 Feb. 2015

-Isaiah 61:7

Continued Success and Blessings Family!

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