Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I'M A BIRD WATCHER............

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Before we get into today's Mona Girl Blog, I've got a bit of housekeeping to do.   I did not realize that last week's post "Are You FAUX Real or FOR Real" was my 10th Post to Mona Girl Blog!! (Thanks Beautiful Westley for the heads up).  WOW! Time sure flies when you're having fun :)  THANK YOU to ALL of you who read Mona Girl Blog and for your AWESOME and HUMBLING feedback, encouragement and inspiration!!  Thank you for your emails and for your Positive Energy that fuels me to be consistent with the Lord's messages He has me Post every Wednesday!!  Mona Girl Blog is for YOU and I'm truly Grateful and Appreciate your continued interest and support.

OK...........NOW let's talk about Birds.  Yeah!!  I said **BIRDS**.  For the last several weeks, the Lord has been speaking to me through the Birds who hang out in the trees outside the window.  Ranging from Cardinals, Doves, Crows and my FAVE, Robin Redbreast.  It's been so cool to watch when each type comes, how many hang out, the songs they sing, how long they stay, etc.  I get tickled sometimes when my Robin Redbreast pops by and I am too focused on the work I'm doing on my laptop, he sings louder and louder until I look out the window!!  LOL!  Family, God is TRULY Awesome in how He speaks to us and how strategically He speaks to us.  And over the last several weeks, He's incorporated His beautiful winged friends into my line of communication with Him.

Sooooo being that I've always been the "what's the meaning behind this??" type of Girl, I did my research via Google on the various Birds that have been dropping by to chill with me and to my surprise found lots of articles on the Spiritual Meaning of Birds.  It's mind boggling the amount of information that's out there but I'm sharing with you some info I read on about the Bird Folks who've stopped by to visit Mona over the last few weeks......

The Cardinal:
The Cardinal tells you that you can handle it, and to believe in yourself.  It is important to be proud of yourself for your abilities or for the things you have achieved.  The Cardinal's bright red feathers and cheerful song call attention to him wherever he goes.  If you see a Cardinal, it may be telling you to stand up, lift your head high, and take pride in yourself.

The Dove:
The Dove reminds you to take a deep breath and relieve all tension and stress.  As a symbol of the Holy Spirit, let your sighting of the Dove remind you to reconnect with the spiritual aspect of your life; accept it as a blessing.

The Crow:
The Crow urges you to think outside the box, to examine what tools and skills you have at your disposal and to apply them in perhaps unconventional ways to achieve your goals.  The Crow also teaches you about change. Change is not to be feared; it is part of the natural course of things.  The death or end of one thing signifies the birth or beginning of another.

And lastly, my FAVE Robin Redbreast:
(The info on Robin Redbreast that I found on The Spiritual is a tad longer.  But because it so fascinating, I'm sharing the entire read.)

With the coming of Jesus Christ comes the legend of the Robin Red Breast. It is said that in Our Lords hour of need it was the Robin that tried to remove the thorns, it was the Robin that stood guard and only allowed the light to come near. It was this act of heroic bravery that caused a splash of blood to stain his red breast. This motive is still seen today and is worn with pride by the Cock Robin.  Also the Robin can be found in every church yard but will only be seen once it calls to you.  And once seen, its unique character will become familiar to you as this sacred bird will visit you often whilst providing reassurance for a new beginning.  

The Robin is a visitor and as such should be appreciated as a welcome visitor bringing gifts.  It is for you to interpret the gifts it brings. Someone recently passed maybe showing you that you are being watched, maybe just letting you know that they still love you.  

Just as every human is different so is every Robin, so look at this Robin and identify its unique features.  It is no coincidence that the next time he appears, you will KNOW it is the same Robin.  He will stay around for as long as he is needed and will re-appear if called for.

The Robin is a solitaire, strong, silent, guardian, protector. Even when looking after its family, it is rare for it to flock with others, preferring to be solitary and heard when it speaks.  This beautiful bird is earth tied, meaning that it will stay on the earth.  Its duties include that of the escort, meaning it is willing to escort the spirit to a new beginning.  It is a part of the dawn chorus singing in the new day and it is a part of spiritual awakening, a gentle reminder of what has been and will be again.

What does all this mean you ask? It means when I think Our Father has taken me to a certain level in our friendship/relationship, He turns right around and tops Himself!!  Over the last few weeks, I am learning yet another way My Lord speaks to me.  I am really enjoying His messages of Inspiration, Encouragement, Wisdom and Confirmation that He's speaking to me through His beautiful winged creatures. I am enjoying watching how my new friend Robin Redbreast visits me now twice a day, once in the morning and then again in the afternoon.  Most of the time he comes solo (just like the text above states) but today he surprised me by bringing two buddies along with him to check-in/watch over me..........."3" representing The Holy Trinity.......The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.  Yeah God, I hear you loud and clear!! Thank You Lord for the PEACE........**THE PEACE** you continue to bring into my life that touches my soul!!

Family, I encourage you to slow down in order to be more aware and discerning of the many interesting and "out of the box" ways Our Lord speaks to us. AND it is no coincidence that back on December 3rd, when I wrote the Inaugural Post for Mona Girl Blog that I chose "Birds" as my Blog background!!!   YEAH!!! OUR LORD IS TRULY AWESOME!!

Continued Success and Blessings Family!!


1 comment:

  1. Well My Loves. I am posting my OWN Comment to Mona Girl Blog!! As I hit "Publish" on today's Blog, I thought: "Lord will I see my Robin Redbreast anymore today?" and OMG!!! It's been a couple hours since my Post and Family, my Robin Redbreast has returned with TONS of his buddies. They are in ALL the trees in the yard, on the fences, on the grass in the yards.......they are EVERYWHERE! And still adding in numbers. AND the songs they are singing are absolutely Heavenly!

