Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Trust & Obey.........#NotEasy!!!!

Hello Family,

Today's post is one that I am WALKING OUT EVERY DAY!! For those of us who grew up in church, there is a hymn that I remember so clearly: "Trust and Obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to Trust and Obey."  Remember that? Whewee!  Easier said than done, right?!?

When I finally got to the point when I truly decided to Trust and Obey God, it resulted in a very humbling and sometimes painful process.  There were (and still are) times when *Trusting God* and *Being Obedient to God* is very difficult.  It doesn't always fit the "Mona Life Blue Print" LOL! There are times when God has asked me to TRUST Him when I'm at the edge of the cliff and He's asking me to step off and TRUST Him to catch me. There are times when God has asked me to OBEY Him with the most radical and ridiculous requests!! Over the last 3 1/2 years since God moved me to NYC on April Fools Day, 2011 (Yeah! God Truly has a sense of humor), there have been times when OBEYING God has made me look sooooo foolish and at times I've been sooooo embarrassed and humbled BUT I Promised Him that I would Trust Him so I remain Obedient! 

Because I continue to radically Trust and Obey God, I find myself in good company with some of the Mighty Men and Women of the Bible who participated in God's School of Trust & Obedience :) Take Joshua and God's bizarre request for him to lead his army in marching around the city of Jericho seven days and when the trumpet sounded on the seventh day, the army was to give a loud shout and the wall of Jericho collapsed (Joshua 6, NIV); take Noah who at 500 years old (500 YEARS OLD) with no architecture or ship building skills, God gave specific, detailed instructions to build an Ark and take two of EVERY living creature with him on the Ark (Genesis 6, 7 and 8, NIV); take Mary, a VIRGIN, who was told she would give birth to Jesus!! The Messiah (Luke 1:26-38, NIV); take Gideon who was the exact opposite of a "Mighty Warrior" who God commanded to go and save Israel out of Midian's hand with ONLY 300 men (Judges 6 and 7).  Whewee! Now these are mind blowing examples of **REAL** people from the Bible who put it ALL on the line in order to Trust and Obey God.  No matter what other folks said about them, no matter how bizarre and radical God's commands, instructions, requests, no matter their qualifications/experience - they Stepped Out On Faith because God Said So! Oh Yeah!!!.......They graduated summa cum laude from God's School of Trust & Obedience!!

I continue to learn and see that God's Trust and Obey request is not easy but ohhhhh the Blessings that come from my compliance to His requests are AWESOME.....ranging from a deeper, intimate, loving, one-on-one relationship with my Savior, to increased financial provision, to being a more powerful and confident Disciple/Witness for Him, to having a genuine and humble spirit that brings about real and authentic relationships with others, to having dreams and goals planted in Mona by my Lord that are beyond my wildest imaginations.....dreams that have and will continue to become my reality because of my Trust and Obedience!! 

Family, please note that whenever God asks us to Trust and Obey Him, there is ALWAYS a Bible Verse to back up His request and to confirm His Promise.  The Scripture that's been riding shotgun with me on my Trust and Obey journey is: "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..." (Ephesians 3:20, NIV). Yeah nuf said :)
Shout out to all of you who are on this journey with me.  It's a hard and humbling road at times but we will be better men and women for ourselves, family and friends on the other side of it. If you want to Pray with me or need personal Prayer to keep you focused, encouraged and Faithful on your Trust and Obey journey, shoot me an email at  Like I said in the inaugural Mona Girl Blog post, the blogs purpose is to build each other up and keep each other encouraged! This is TRULY what life is all about :)

Well, that's all I have for you today and I think this is more than enough for us to meditate on, LOL! Enjoy today's Powerful closing quote, it sums up our Wednesday post quite nicely don't you think?  :)

“As a follower of Jesus Christ, he expects you to obey whatever he tells you to do — even if it appears foolish to other people, even if it doesn’t make sense financially, even if you don’t understand it and you’re scared to death." -Rev. Rick Warren

Much Love and Blessings!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a good one. I struggle with this daily. Matter of fact, hourly
