Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Our Christmas Story

Hello Family,

I thought it would be nice, being Christmas Eve and all, to share OUR Fave Christmas Stories/Memories. What do you think?  Are you in? I hope so.  I want to see many, many comments on Mona Girl Blog today.

But before we get into OUR own Christmas/Holiday Stories, let's take a look at the REAL (full length Bible Version) of The Christmas Story.....the Story of the Birth of our Jesus.....our Messiah.....our Savior! His story is so AWESOME and a bit too long to post on Mona Girl Blog but please check out this Link and share it with family and friends: The Christmas Story (KJV) This is truly the Reason for the Season. 

Now let's get into Mona's Fave Christmas Memories.....As a little girl growing up in South Bend, IN, the weeks leading up to Christmas were filled with much Joy and Love........from my Christmas Dance troupe from JoAnn Brines School of Dance making the rounds to the various nursing homes and senior centers with our "mobile Christmas Program"; to special Christmas Church Programs with me singing in the Inspirational Choir; to heading out as a family to pick out THE BEST Live Christmas Tree that was meticulously decorated with hand-made ornaments from Mark and my various craft classes along with ornaments that spanned the years holding special family memories with my Mother's final touch of draping the entire Christmas Tree with lots and lots of shiny silver tinsel; to our park across the street from our home glistening in the sunlight with a fresh coat of snow; to the festive Holiday Parties my parents had at our home which at an early age sparked my Gift of Mother was truly the "Hostess with the Mostess"; to helping Mommy in the kitchen prepare her Annual "60 course" Christmas Dinner which offered our family and guests waaaaayyyyy too many choices; to baking my famous chocolate chip cookies (Pillsbury Refrigerator Cookies) served with a side of hot cocoa for Santa; to being up at the crack of dawn on Christmas Day to open my gifts under the Tree; to watching my family open their gifts that I purchased with such care; to winding down an AMAZING Holiday Season by sitting on the couch falling asleep between Mommy and Gannie before Daddy made the trek out to take the grand parents home loaded down with gifts and food :)  YEAH! Christmas' at the Eskridge household were the Bomb! Thank You Lord for such wonderful Christmas Memories......I am TRULY Blessed!! Hallelujah......I AM BLESSED!!!

Now It's YOUR TURN!! No need to be long winded like me (LOL!).  Please just share a sentence or two or three of your Fave Christmas/Holiday Memory....Thank You :)

As I close today's Special Christmas Eve Post, I urge you again to be mindful of the REAL Reason for the Season.  Let's make it a point to continue to keep **CHRIST** in Christmas!! "Christmas is about God breaking into humanity, shattering time, and becoming life and hope and help to all mankind.  He came to show us who God really is. He came to teach us how to live, walk, and talk as spiritual people. But most importantly, He came so that we might have a full, intimate relationship with the Father He knew so well. Jesus’ job was to secure our salvation."
(Dr. Charles Stanley)

Wishing you and your families a BLESSED, BLESSED Christmas/Holiday and MERRY New Year!!

"For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6-7, NKJV)

1 comment:

  1. God blessed me with a happy spirit and many other gifts. What I was not blessed with I went out and got. Sometimes the price was too high, but I've never been much of a bargain hunter.
