Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well most of you know who have your reserved seat here every Wednesday at His Mona Girl Blog..........Abba Father tends to Speak to me in All sorts of interesting and awesome ways! And Today's God Word from Him to Us Is. No. Different. πŸ˜‡

Earlier this week, I received an email from DSW, like I always do a couple times a week, especially now with Black Friday and cuz I LOVE Shoes!!.....Umm, sorry, gettin a tad I was saying πŸ˜…......I received an email from DSW and in the subject heading was: "You've Been Waiting!" Practicing self-discipline I left the email where it was.........and every time I went back to check my email throughout the week, I saw "You've Been Waiting"!

Then in the wee hours of yesterday morning, Abba Father whispered to my heart space: "You've Been Waiting.......But HOW?!" Oh Hallelujah! WOW! OK! I Hear You Lord!

So my Beauties, like many of us, we know what it feels like to *WAIT* on the Lord for something, someone, answered prayer, directions/guidance, His Divine Wisdom/Discernment, a God Word, healing, blessings, provision, etc. But here's the kicker that ties into what the Lord whispered to's what HE's Asking US thru Today's Title....."You've Been Waiting!.......But HOW?!"........Are we Waiting on Abba Father in Peace? Are we Waiting on the Lord in Faith? Are we Waiting Patiently? Are we Waiting Prayerfully? Are we Waiting Expectantly? Are we Waiting in Pure Humility? Are we Waiting with a Positive Attitude? Are we Growing and Learning His Lessons while Waiting? Are we Waiting with our eyes Fixed Like Flint on Him, holding tightly to His Hand? Are we Waiting with God-Fidence and a Holy Boldness? Are we Serving Him by how we Serve Others while we Wait? Are we Genuinely Waiting and not running ahead manipulating the situation? Are we Waiting on His Timing and His Voice? Are we Waiting with a Loving, Grateful Heart for what He's Done and Getting Ready To Do? Are we Waiting Obediently? (Oh Yes & Amen! Speak Holy Spirit!!) So bottom line is......Abba Father is asking Us..........HOW are We Waiting on HIM?

Oh Yeah Loves! That's a doozy of a question. And one that'll take us to a very intimate, honest and personal space with Daddy God to answer with a pure heart. Yes Lord! We HEAR You!! "You've Been Waiting.......But HOW?!"

And Family, what I've learned from being in the *WAITING* room from time-to-time with Abba Father, is that He really REALLY looks at HOW we Wait on Him! He takes our Waiting Posture, How We Wait, extremely seriously. It's a Big Deal to HIM! It's Important to HIM! He LOVES when we Wait in Faith, in Humility, in Trust, in Patience, in a Place of Rest........when we Wait In HIS distractions, just Him and Us! Yeah I Know! I Know!! Not always easy but doable....achievable.......if we allow ourselves to really get Quiet........if we truly turn to Him in Prayer.......if we Worship Him with our whole heart and soul.......if we read our Bibles and feast on His Word and His Promises......we will eventually learn how to *WAIT* Well as we abide and dwell in HIS Loving PRESENCE!

So my Loves, I realize This is a lot to take in........and It's a long way from a DSW email (LOL!)....but It's a Divine Question Abba is Asking Us to REALLY think about...... and It's a question He wants each of us to honestly Answer (smile).

So as I close out our time together today and leave you to pause and ponder "You've Been Waiting.......But HOW?!".......I'm gonna leave you with some Divine Tools to aid you on the journey to your Answer........some Scriptures and a Song! Cuz as we All know, Adonai Speaks to Us through His Mighty Word and that In the *Waiting* we are Never Ever Alone! Yahweh is ALWAYS With Us and In Us In the *Waiting*! πŸ’–πŸ™

(Click Here ☝☝)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

***Happy Blessed THANKSGIVING to our Family in the U.S., Canada, Caribbean and Wherever Else You Celebrate*** πŸ¦ƒπŸ™

Metsies' Off-Season Scripture #8:

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