Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves.......before we get ALLLLLL up into Today's Mighty God Word........gotta give a Big Shout Out WELCOME!! to Abba Father's Newest Mona Girl Blog Global Family Members from Belarus, Albania, Singapore, Ecuador, New Zealand, Italy and Vietnam and in the States, a Big Shout Out WELCOME!! to Abba Father's Newest Family Members from the Midwest, East Coast and wayyy Down South. WELCOME LOVES!!  Thank You Lord for growing and feeding Your Mona Girl Blog Family!! 💖

NOW...........for Today's God Word thru Daily Yeshua and the Scripture Text: Exodus 3.......ALL I can say as my intro is *THIS* RIGHT HERE?!

Hallelujah! Like Some of You.......Been There! Done That! Got Several T-Shirts!!!! And Like Some of You.......been uber Obedient, Got the God-Ordained Lessons (ALL of them!) and Victoriously Made It Thru HIS Process......Only by the Grace of God!! Thank You Lord!! 😇

Oh Yeah!! *THIS* RIGHT HERE?!...............

Although Moses was born a Hebrew he got to live as an Egyptian - he didn't have to do all the slave labor, he got the best education, he ate the best foods, and he lived in the palace of the king.

Moses was a "somebody" in the land of Egypt and you can imagine that there were Egyptians who admired him and Hebrews who despised him.

But Moses later found himself having to leave the life of an Egyptian behind him and become who he was predestined to be.

It's interesting how God placed Moses in a position where he went from a palace (a place of comfort) to taking care of sheep in the wilderness.

Moses must of hated that transition, who wouldn't; but God was teaching him how to be humble. Because what Moses didn't know was that he would one day stand in the presence of God, and couldn't stand there with the attitude he had in Egypt but that of a humble servant.

This is how God also deals with us when He's bringing us into our predestined purpose. Just like Moses, we, too, have ways that God needs to deliver us from. He has to teach us to be humble, patient, and obedient. It's not a process that we enjoy - it hurts, but if it didn't, our flesh wouldn't die and those strongholds wouldn't fall.

God has to take us through the fires so we can go from that "I'm somebody" mindset to that "I'm nobody without God" mindset.

Moses stuck it out through the process and saw that his position in God was greater than his place in Egypt.

You may miss the comfort and ease of Egypt, but endure the process any way. Let God mold you into who you are meant to be.

Remember Egypt didn't make Moses great, God's process did that!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Metsies' Off-Season Scripture #6:

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