Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well my Beauties, for the past couple weeks I've been seeing , hearing, reading the word TRANSPARENCY. A LOT! Soooooo because this is HIS Mona Girl Blog.......Holy Spirit's got us pulling up to His Divine Table today to feast on This Word and what It means.  And Here We Go.......

"TRANSPARENCY" as defined by Merriam-Webster has several definitions but for our purposes, here are the ones that fit the best: "fine or sheer enough to be seen through"; "free from pretense or deceit"; "easily detected or seen through"; "readily understood".

"TRANSPARENCY" in Spanish: Transparencia; in Italian: Trasparenza; in German: Transparenz; and in French: Transparence. 

No matter how IT's Defined, no matter how you Say IT, who is Being such a Cool Thing To Be.....To such a Cool Way To Live!

My take on TRANSPARENCY is, when you've gone thru some tough times, grown thru some life stuff, you tend to be more open and more willing to share your emotions and feelings. You are more apt to speak your mind and share your opinion (whether folks want to hear/receive It or not). I find the more time I spend with Daddy God in His Mighty Presence, the more comfortable I become in my own skin and that seems to play right into me being more Transparent in the way I live, speak, act, etc.  Because I've become more aware of my True Identity in HIM, (and Boy is that a DAILY Process!!), my character and personality seem to have organically morphed into my desire to be more Christ like. And we Know when Jesus walked this earth, He was an open book, living a life of complete and total TRANSPARENCY!

In addition, I've noticed at times living a life of TRANSPARENCY tends to scurrr some folks. There are those who tend to not be comfortable around me due to my uber openness and honesty. They can't handle my "rawness".  But then on the flip side, there are those who are drawn to the Light of TRANSPARENCY. It makes them feel Free and Comfortable to be themselves. To take off their Masks of Life and enjoy the Peace and Authenticity that TRANSPARENCY brings to a relationship.

As a result of being a TRANSPARENCY Traveler, I've found that my fellow TRANSPARENCY Abiders are those who have a genuine passion for life; exude boldness, God-fidence, perseverance and extraordinary courage; possess a fearlessness with a discerning spirit; are funny with pure, vulnerable hearts; are authentic in character; are free from drama, walking in humility and integrity, void of pride and ego; have a contagious positive energy; are compassionate Soul Seekers (Hallelujah Thx Holy Spirit!); are unexplainably unique and immensely trustworthy and loyal.

Family, as stated up top, this so far has been Mona's Take on TRANSPARENCY via what's on my heart to share. But I want to share another perspective via an Article from Coach with Heart entitled (click here): "Being Transparent". One of the quotes from the Article that I'm soooooooo ridin shotgun with is "Transparency is sliding aside the curtains of the soul revealing its character." Ohhhhh Yeah!! *That's* God Stuff right there!!

Now y'all know that during our time together every Wednesday, we ALWAYS have to make our way to His Mighty Word of Truth. And if there's anyone in The Bible, who lived a life of pure and authentic TRANSPARENCY beside Jesus, it would have to be my favorite Man of God.......the "Man after God's Own Heart" (Acts 13:22)....King David.

In my opinion, there's no other Scripture that best exemplifies David's consistent Life Style of TRANSPARENCY than Psalm 139.  In this magnificent Psalm, David is ALL about God searching his heart; being a part of Every Single Breath he takes; being completely open and vulnerable before his Abba Father; seeking the Lord to be ALL up in his bizness 24/7!! Check out this beautiful read, this awesome Tribute of Love penned by David to His Lord: (click here):  Psalm 139.

Well my Loves, as we close out our time together today, Holy Spirit just reminded me of what my Mommy always said to me: "Mona. Live your life in a way that what folks See is what they Get!"  Oh Yeah! Saint Peggy was truly a wise woman!

Soooooo.........Would you like to venture away from the shore of status quo with walk the road less traveled......and step into the wonderful, adventurous world of TRANSPARENCY as a way of life? Where we'll find ourselves whispering quietly to our hearts and souls.......#CanYouSeeMeNow?

(Yes & Amen!! Thanks Beautiful Amy! 👑)

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Metsies' Off-Season Scripture #1:

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