Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Today Loves, for those in The United States, It's Independence Day - Fourth of July! It's the Day we Celebrate our Nations FREEDOM!

But I Also see this as a Day in which We can Celebrate our FREEDOM from Life's Stuff!! Maybe You are FREE from an addiction - Celebrate! Maybe You are FREE from a bad relationship - Celebrate! Maybe You are FREE from a God-Ordained Season of Development - Celebrate!! Maybe You are FREE from unforgiveness - Celebrate! Maybe You are FREE from a negative, bitter attitude - Celebrate! Whatever You are FREE from Today....CELEBRATE & Give God the Glory!!

"If the Son gives you Freedom, you are FREE!" (John 8:36, CEV. emphasis mine)

So if you're on the Shore, at the Beach, in the City, BBQ'ing, at the Ballpark, gettin excited to Watch a SPECTACULAR Fire Works eva, where eva you're Celebrating our Nations Independence and Your FREEDOM from Life's Stuff.......ENJOY & BE SAFE!!

Oh, and *Why* did I name Today's Mona Girl Blog........ANIMALS ON THE's your answer. Some of my All-time Fave Animal Pic Quotes for you to Ponder, LOL! and Share while you sip on your cool beverage as the ocean tickles your tootsies................

**Whewee!! Hallelujah!!!!! I Just Can't Get Enough of This One!! But God!!**

**Oh Yeah! Adopt Don't Shop!!**

**LOL!!! This One I can Soooooo RELATE to......on a Hot, Humid Day in NYC**

Hope You Enjoyed the Pics......If You Feel Led..........Please Share Your Own.

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:

OK Now.....I want Your Undivided, Don't-You-Dare-Look-At-Your-Phone Attention to This.......

There are soooooo Many MORE of Us For You than Against You! YOU are so Loved and Supported by Metsies' Fans world wide!

Just take a moment to peep the crowd at Away Games. See ALL those Mets' Jerseys?!

Oh Yeah! And don't even get me started on when The 7 Line Army makes a Road Trip!!

We Love You!
We Will Be Cheering You On No Matter What Your Record!
We are NOT Fare Weather, Jump On/Off the Band Wagon Fans!

Get It?! Got It?! Goood!!

OK Now.......Just one last teensie-weensie Thing..........

And Loves, I say this with Encouragement and Support and Total Respect for Your Gifts & Talents...........When Your Name is Called in the *Bullpen*, Offense, Defense, Starting Pitching, Pinch-hitting, Coaching Staff, Training Staff.............Pleez Be Ready! Pleez Be Uber Focused! And Pleez Get IT Done with Excellence!! πŸ˜‡ πŸ™πŸ™

OK Now.......LET'S GO METS!!!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #21:

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