Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves.......after Coming off of Valentine's Day.....what I called *LOVE* Day last Wednesday....what a God Message to Soak In, Pause and Ponder from one of my FAVE Anointed and Appointed Men of God, Graham Cooke!!

No Intro Needed. Want YOU to Get Right Into this God, Deep Word of Pure *TRUTH*.  See You on the other side of this Mighty Read.............

It is such an essential part of the call, that we get wounded in the house of our friends, we get wounded by the people that we really thought we could trust, that we feel that kiss of betrayal that Jesus felt in the garden. That we feel that sense of our friends walking away from us when the cock crows three times.

It’s really important that you are betrayed and wounded. It’s just a part of your development. You go through that distress. If you want all the fullness of God, you have to experience all the fullness of life, yeah?

He’s a man of sorrows acquainted with grief, and if you want the power of His resurrection you have to know the fellowship of His suffering, yeah? So when you know that it’s part of our development, it’s easier to forgive those people who have done those things to you.
(from Graham Cooke: "Why Wounded & Betrayed Believers Are So Useful To God")

Lord Have Mercy!! Mr. Cooke DOES NOT PLAY. Our Daddy God DOES NOT Mince HIS Words when HE uses Graham as HIS Anointed Scribe!!

I so LOVE the Divine Timing of this Powerful Word of *TRUTH* as We're on the 7th Day of  our Lent 2018: Keeping A True Lent Journey en route to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday (aka Easter)

With ALL the Drama, Life Stuff and Down -Right Foolishness Jesus walked out on His way to Calvary's Cross to die for Our Sins! For Our Soul Salvation! The Betrayal, the Slander, the Lies, the Gossip, the Pain, the Meanness, the Hatred, the Isolation, the Jealousy...... ALL He endured........from Friends, Family, His Disciples, Folks He Thought He Could Trust, His Fellow Brothers & Sister In Christ, Heads of the Church, Priests,the Religious Elect, etc.!! 

Whewee!! Puts it ALL in Crystal Clear Divine Perspective when We have the Same/Similar things happen to Us!! When We Truly have to Walk the Walk like Jesus in order to be Fully Surrendered, Genuinely and Purely HIS!!

Oh Yeah! Been There! Done That! *Still* Living It! GOT THE T-SHIRTS (Yes! Got more than one - LOL!) 

And IT'S ALL BEEN WORTH IT!! Cuz..........................
*You come out Stronger! 
*You come out Wiser! 
*You come out More Loving & Forgiving of Those satan uses to Wound You! 
*You come out Pure In Heart! 
*You come out with a Resilient Spirit! 
*You come out with a Divine Boldness!
*You come out with God-Fidence!
*You come out with a Deep & Trusting *RELATIONSHIP* with Your Daddy God! 
*You come out with a SAVED Soul! 
*You come out an Encourager!
*You come out FREE & JOY-FILLED!
*You come out with a PEACE that Passeth All Understanding!
*You come out with a Holy Spirit Sense of Humor! (Yeah #frfr!)
*You come out Speaking and Spreading His Mighty Gospel!
*You come out Touching Lives for His Kingdom!
*You come out HIS!! Totally and Completely and Uniquely The Lords.....Shining Like Pure Gold......Reflecting Jesus' Image!! 

Hallelujah!! Glory To God!! Can I Get An AMEN?! 

#NuffSaid! #DoneFork!

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!

Mets Gushing Moment:
Oh Yeah! Going back in the archives for some Ole School Encouragement for Y'all Today!! 

Soak It In & Walk It Out!

P.S. And David! Go Ahead......**DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!**   #HatersJustWatch!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #2:

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