Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves...........over the last couple days, Our Father God's had Me Front and Center with Him in an Audience-of-One Atmosphere.  And Today, He's bringing me out with His *Love* Word for Us......BE AN *ENCOURAGER*!! #YesYou!

As we walk out each day of our lives, it's not hard to see or hear that ENCOURAGEMENT is Not an Ordinary Thing most folks do on a Daily Basis.  Yeah.......Parents Encourage their Children; Family Members Encourage their Relatives; Teachers Encourage their Students; Coaches Encourage their Players; Doctors Encourage their Patients; Pastors/Priests/Rabbis Encourage their Congregants; But for the most part, most folks (and that includes Us Y'all)
are Not Consistent ENCOURAGERS.

OK. I hear You. Yes! We Encourage Others from time to time when they reach out to us in a time of need, during a crisis or troubling circumstance. But is BEING AN ENCOURAGER Part of Our Daily Routine? Do We STOP long enough to come out of our self-absorbed pods to give a quick Word of Encouragement to a friend/co-worker who seems down or a Genuine Smile to someone we pass on the street or see on the subway?

I KNOW it's difficult to Pause and Ponder someone else's situation when We have Our Own Life Issues We're dealing with 24/7. But, what I've learned is when I STOP for just a few seconds to BE AN ENCOURAGER, It makes me feel good. It gives me the "warm and fuzzies". It makes the Life Stuff I'm so intensely focused on become a non-factor for a few moments.

*Real Talk*: BEING AN ENCOURAGER Blesses Them and Blesses Us! It's a Win Win for All!

And because this is HIS Mona Girl Blog, Holy Spirit will Always guide me to Scriptures in His Word to back up His Message to Us. And for those Who are interested in the Bible's Take on what it truly means to *Live Like Barnabas* and BE AN ENCOURAGER, Click Here: Barnabas: The Encourager  and Here:Realize Your Encouragement Potential

"Therefore Encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." (1 Thessalonians 5:11, ESV)

"And never let ugly or hateful words come from your mouth, but instead let your words become beautiful gifts that Encourage others; do this by speaking words of grace to help them." (Ephesians 4:29, TPT)

And You know Who Else We should ENCOURAGE on a regular basis?! OURSELVES!! OH YES! We should make it a Daily Ritual to Speak Life, Speak Good, Speak Positive Words Over Ourselves! Truth be told, some of the folks who come to me for Prayer and Encouragement are in a deep rut of daily drama Speaking Negative, Toxic and Unhealthy Words over their Own Lives!

Family, this brings us Right Back Around to Today's Title........if We Don't ENCOURAGE Ourselves, How Can We Possibly BE AN ENCOURAGER to Others?! We gotta Speak Encouragement Inwardly before We can Speak Encouragement Outwardly! Plain and Simple: What Goes In - Eventually Comes Out!

"Finally,  brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things." (Philippians 4:8, NKJV)

".......What you say flows from what is in your heart." (Luke 6:45, NLT)

Sooooooo Let's Start, Right NOW to BE AN ENCOURAGER! Encourage Yourself throughout the day, giving Yourself little hi-fives, speaking Positive Words to Your Heart and Soul and Then Take IT to the Streets!  From New York to Nepal; from Portland to Pakistan; from Rhode Island to Russia; from South Bend to South Korea; from Boston to Brazil; from Utah to Uganda, from Austin to Australia from Chicago to Croatia (Hey Beautiful Susan!) from Green Bay to Ghana.  Let HIS World-Wide Mona Girl Blog Family join together and BE AN ENCOURAGER to Others with a Smile, a Pat on the Back, a "You're Awesome", a Hug, a Prayer.....whateva or whomeva Our Heavenly Father puts on Our mind. BE AN *ENCOURAGER*!! #YesYou!

"Inspire and Bring Joy to all those you touch."
-Rod Williams

**P.S.** A Reminder that Today is Ash Wednesday! The *First* Day of the 2018 Lenten Season. And if you didn't read last week's Mona Girl Blog and missed the Invite 😆, I ENCOURAGE You to take the Journey with Us for Keeping A True Lent by Clicking HereLent 2018: Keeping A True Lent

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

OH YESSSSSS!! It's That Time of Year!! SPRING TRAINING for My New York Mets is Officially Underway!! Yahoo! Me Excited! And You Know What That Means......

WE are Baaaaack to Our Weekly Metsies Shout Outs!!

Mets Gushing Moment:
*Clean Slate! 
*New Season! 
*New Faces!
*New Attitude!
*SAME GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #1:

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