Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well Loves, Holy Spirit's been banging on the door of my Soul with a *Word of Confirmation* for some and a *Word of Direction* for Others............So Here We Go...........

It seems like We are in a place and time in society where what others are doing, what others are saying, what others are wearing, how others are living.....has become so important......has become so critical.........has become a way to navigate and pattern our own lives.  Being like someone else has become a Life Style!  We have become a society of mimics, copy cats and chameleons. It's as if we've lost our OWN - TRUE Identities!!

And for those who do venture out of the "this is the way you should act/look//think/speak/behave/dress mold"; for those who choose to walk a unique and authentic path; for those who dare to walk to the beat of their own drum........they are seen as radical, abnormal, "special".

We were created by The Master CREATOR!! He made Each of Us unique, different; He made each of Us with our own special light; He made each of Us in His Image!! He did not make Us to morph into a mundane, boring blueprint of each other.

There are times I look around and see folks walking out life like they are on a treadmill of conformity with a murky grey cloud surrounding their entire being.  Taking the same path, saying the same things, doing the same things as the masses.  It's almost like they are afraid to be themselves....afraid to reflect their Own, True Nature....afraid to even investigate, pursue deep within their Souls Who They Really Are!

It's so refreshing when I see/meet a Bright Light of Color beaming through the murkiness, reflecting an authentic and genuine Soul who's very actions scream: I DON'T CARE ANYMORE...........don't care what you think of me.........don't care if my being different makes you uncomfortable.........don't care if my unique wiring offends you........don't care if my swagger is not like the masses.  A Soul whose Bright Light Shines with the Courage and Strength to Live Life Their Way!! A Soul who radiates I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!  #ReallyIDon't!

When you stop and look at how Awesome and just Beyond-Beyond Our Sovereign Lord God is.......when you stop and look at Our Almighty God's Incomprehensible Creativity to Not make ONE snowflake alike, to create so many different species of insects that even Science is stumped, to create our boundless Universe where Man hasn't even begun to discover the vastness of the galaxies, to Not make even ONE human fingerprint Alike!! YES! This is Who We Are! WE ARE UNIQUE.......WE ARE AUTHENTIC.....WE ARE RARE..........WE ARE HIS PRECIOUS TREASURES......each with a Remarkable and Extraordinary Bright Light!!

"You alone created my inner being.  You knitted me together inside my mother.  I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made.  Your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this." (Psalm 139:13-14)

Family, when We meditate on/read this Scripture over and over and REALLY let it sink deep into our Heart and Soul!! We should rise up with a resounding, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!  #ReallyIDon't! because WE embody every single syllable of that Scripture.......WE are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by The Master Creator who makes NO Mistakes and makes NO two of His Children alike.

Loves, as We walk out this week and beyond, let's Agree to EMBRACE, SHOWCASE, what the heck....FLAUNT Our Uniqueness, Our Authenticity, Our True Identities...because We Truly Are **ALL THAT & A BAG OF CHIPS!!**

And when folks can't take You, when they're scurrrrred of Your "differentness" (yeah, I made that word up), when they're threatened by Your "You Doing You", when they scold you for getting off the status quo treadmill of life........Oh Yeah!! YOU KNOW just what to politely say as you click your heels and sashay away with Your Exceptional Self......I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! #ReallyIDon't!

**Mini Payer**: Father God, as We continue to allow Your Loving and Merciful Hand to stretch, mold, shape, transform Us into Your Holy Image; gently humbling us removing all traits of Pride, Offense and Self-Righteousness; let Us remember that We are Always A Work In Progress....Ever Evolving into Greater Expressions of Our Divine Selves. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Continued Success & Abundant Blessings!!

Mets Gushing Moment:
Oh Yeah Gentlemen!  Keep getting your work in, Keep honing those Blessed Skills, Keep Your Eyes on the Big Picture cuz the Momentum....the MOMENTUM.......THE MOMENTUM is Building to Opening Day!! #LGM! #OurGoal!

Metsies Winning Season - Scripture #7:
"We LOVE because He first Loved Us." (1 John 4:19, NIV)

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