Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well today's Mona Girl Blog started brewing in the wee hours of the morning last Saturday......with Holy Spirit bringing back to my memory a song I LOVED back in the day. It's by Neil Diamond (who STILL looks and sounds Amazing).......and it's all about our "Heart Lights".

There's no Real definition of "Heart Light" in the dictionary, just takes you back to Neil Diamond's song BUT here's Mona's Definition: the genuine glow, the authentic and pure light emanating from a person's heart.  Hmph! What do you think? Does that work?  Well, it does for me and for where Holy Spirit is leading us today with His message.....

How's Your Heart Light? Is it Bright?  Does it shine from Your Heart to Other's Hearts? Is there a warm glow from Your Heart that draws folks to you? Or is it just the opposite? I'm finding, as I walk out this thing called Life, that sometimes we tend to let our Heart Lights be dulled and dimmed by what's going on in our lives, by "life's stuff".  And I know (whewee! do I KNOW) it gets so hard sometimes to keep our heads above water and to stay afloat.  But, we must try and make every effort NOT to let our Heart Lights be hindered, covered by the darkness of this world, and instead Rise Above whatever our "It" is and let Our Heart Lights SHINE Brightly! This is the ONLY way to survive the stuff life brings our's the ONLY way to keep Our Heart Lights healthy and's the ONLY way to draw folks to US instead of turning them away from's the ONLY way to have Peace and Love in Our lives and in Our Hearts!!

And Loves, take it from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who at sooooooooo many times during his Earthly walk, because of how He was treated and from what folks said to/about Him......had EVERY reason NOT to let His Heart Light Shine......had EVERY reason to say "I Give Up" loving these folks who hate me so.....but instead, chose to be a Beacon of Light, to give HIS Life for Us so His Heart Light would draw us closer and closer to we are Now One with Him and His Heart!

"I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.  The life I now live I live by believing in God's Son, who loved me and took the punishment for my sins." (Galatians 2:20, GW)  

And take it from my Fave Mighty Man of God, King David (A Man after God's Own Heart):

"My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." (Psalm 73:26, NKJV)

And it's VERY clear Our Heavenly Father wants our Hearts........our Heart Lights to be an important part of our Souls and Lives....just look what He instructs us to do with our Hearts as described in the Book of Proverbs (referred to as the "Manual of Living"):

"Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts.  Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip.  Keep you eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions.  Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you.  Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust." (Proverbs 4:23-27, MSG)

YES Loves! Guarding our Heart Lights, letting our Heart Lights Shine, letting our Heart Lights Bless others is high up on Daddy God's "To Do List" (smile). And from what I've learned from experience and watching's ALL about How we allow life's stuff to get inside our Hearts and affect Us.  It's How We handle our day-to-day stuff. It's How we interact with others.  It's How We let folks affect our Hearts. It's How We walk out our lives that determines if our Heart Lights continue to Shine or become Dim. And again, from what I've learned, it ALL revolves around our Love for Our Heavenly Father. Because when We LOVE Him........when We TRULY have a Heart for Him....when We have His PEACE inside our's impossible...Impossible, (on a short or long term basis), to let the outside stuff, the stuff of this world, the stuff folks throw at us on any given day affect us.....dim/snuff out our Heart Lights. 

"And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Jesus Christ." (Philippians 4:7, NLV)

So Family, let's make a pact from here on out to Guard, Watch, Monitor, Manage, Take Care Of Our Heart Lights so they can Shine Brightly, so they can be a Beacon to Our Heart Lights can reveal our True and Loving Selves.  Oh Yeah!!  Your Heart Light On?? How Bright is Your Heart Light? 

Loves, today's Mona Girl Blog would not be complete if I didn't share the Song Holy Spirit placed on my Heart a few days ago to get this whole thing sit back, relax and ENJOY Heartlight by Neil Diamond!

Thanks Shellie!!

Continued Success and Blessings!!

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