Wednesday, February 3, 2016

IT'S SHOW TIME!!! #Action!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

For today's Mona Girl Blog, Holy Spirit has me sharing a couple nuggets of His Wisdom before you hit Play on this Amazing Video below by DeVon Franklin. Thanks Angel Shellie for sharing the knowledge!

There are sooooo many distractions and detours and just life "stuff" that can take us off course of God's Mighty Plan for our lives.  We can especially jump ship and go off course, if we see that God's Plan is NOT lining up with Our Plan (smile).  HIS Plan may take us through trying and difficult times, trials, humbling circumstances, not so glamours situations, and out-of-our-comfort-zone seasons (shout out to King David and Joseph in the Bible....two Men truly molded, shaped and pruned by Our Sovereign Lord), but I'm here to share with You, that His Plan for Our Lives......His Journey for Us may NOT be the most comfortable and direct route but, IT IS THE BEST and ohhhhh so WORTH IT.....Blessed Beyond Blessed... if we can just hang on......and not give up!!

As you watch DeVon Franklin's Video, The Movie of Your Life, I hope you take it to heart....let it sink down deep into your soul to a place that will Ignite You, Motivate You, Encourage You to Keep Your Eyes on HIS Plan for Your Hold on Tight to HIS Mighty Loving TRUST HIS All-Knowing, Perfect Timing Ways so You can Live Out Loud, Live Boldly, Live Joyfully......HIS **BEST** FOR YOU!!

"My thoughts," says the Lord, "are not like yours, and my ways are different from yours.  As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours." (Isaiah 55:8-9, GNT)

Oh Yeah......IT'S SHOW TIME!  #Action!

Continued Success and Blessings!!!

P.S. A quick Shout Out to My Metsies........two weeks (14 days and counting) until Pitchers and Catchers report to Spring Training! ME GETTING EXCITED!!! #LetsGoMets!!! #GotYoBack!

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