Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Well today's Mona Girl Blog started brewing in the wee hours of the morning last Saturday......with Holy Spirit bringing back to my memory a song I LOVED back in the day. It's by Neil Diamond (who STILL looks and sounds Amazing).......and it's all about our "Heart Lights".

There's no Real definition of "Heart Light" in the dictionary, just takes you back to Neil Diamond's song BUT here's Mona's Definition: the genuine glow, the authentic and pure light emanating from a person's heart.  Hmph! What do you think? Does that work?  Well, it does for me and for where Holy Spirit is leading us today with His message.....

How's Your Heart Light? Is it Bright?  Does it shine from Your Heart to Other's Hearts? Is there a warm glow from Your Heart that draws folks to you? Or is it just the opposite? I'm finding, as I walk out this thing called Life, that sometimes we tend to let our Heart Lights be dulled and dimmed by what's going on in our lives, by "life's stuff".  And I know (whewee! do I KNOW) it gets so hard sometimes to keep our heads above water and to stay afloat.  But, we must try and make every effort NOT to let our Heart Lights be hindered, covered by the darkness of this world, and instead Rise Above whatever our "It" is and let Our Heart Lights SHINE Brightly! This is the ONLY way to survive the stuff life brings our's the ONLY way to keep Our Heart Lights healthy and's the ONLY way to draw folks to US instead of turning them away from's the ONLY way to have Peace and Love in Our lives and in Our Hearts!!

And Loves, take it from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who at sooooooooo many times during his Earthly walk, because of how He was treated and from what folks said to/about Him......had EVERY reason NOT to let His Heart Light Shine......had EVERY reason to say "I Give Up" loving these folks who hate me so.....but instead, chose to be a Beacon of Light, to give HIS Life for Us so His Heart Light would draw us closer and closer to we are Now One with Him and His Heart!

"I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.  The life I now live I live by believing in God's Son, who loved me and took the punishment for my sins." (Galatians 2:20, GW)  

And take it from my Fave Mighty Man of God, King David (A Man after God's Own Heart):

"My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." (Psalm 73:26, NKJV)

And it's VERY clear Our Heavenly Father wants our Hearts........our Heart Lights to be an important part of our Souls and Lives....just look what He instructs us to do with our Hearts as described in the Book of Proverbs (referred to as the "Manual of Living"):

"Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts.  Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip.  Keep you eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions.  Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you.  Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust." (Proverbs 4:23-27, MSG)

YES Loves! Guarding our Heart Lights, letting our Heart Lights Shine, letting our Heart Lights Bless others is high up on Daddy God's "To Do List" (smile). And from what I've learned from experience and watching's ALL about How we allow life's stuff to get inside our Hearts and affect Us.  It's How We handle our day-to-day stuff. It's How we interact with others.  It's How We let folks affect our Hearts. It's How We walk out our lives that determines if our Heart Lights continue to Shine or become Dim. And again, from what I've learned, it ALL revolves around our Love for Our Heavenly Father. Because when We LOVE Him........when We TRULY have a Heart for Him....when We have His PEACE inside our's impossible...Impossible, (on a short or long term basis), to let the outside stuff, the stuff of this world, the stuff folks throw at us on any given day affect us.....dim/snuff out our Heart Lights. 

"And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Jesus Christ." (Philippians 4:7, NLV)

So Family, let's make a pact from here on out to Guard, Watch, Monitor, Manage, Take Care Of Our Heart Lights so they can Shine Brightly, so they can be a Beacon to Our Heart Lights can reveal our True and Loving Selves.  Oh Yeah!!  Your Heart Light On?? How Bright is Your Heart Light? 

Loves, today's Mona Girl Blog would not be complete if I didn't share the Song Holy Spirit placed on my Heart a few days ago to get this whole thing sit back, relax and ENJOY Heartlight by Neil Diamond!

Thanks Shellie!!

Continued Success and Blessings!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Today's Mona Girl Blog is ALLLLL about making you Smile :)

I LOVE Animals and can remember when I was a little girl, my Mother and I were Always rescuing stray doggies.......and that continues to this's in my DNA.  Animals make me Smile and bring a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart.  So take a look at these cute pics I found out there in Cyberspace.

"All the animals in the forest are mine and the cattle on thousands of hills." (Psalm 50:10, GNT)

Smile and enjoy a Chuckle or two, it's good for the Soul......

Continued Success and Blessings!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

CAN YOU SEE ME NOW?? #BeTransparent!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

Wellllll....Hmmm.....Ummm.....LOL! Holy Spirit keeps nudging me, dropping into my brain, whispering to Me: "Be Transparent".  So who knows where He's leading Us today.  I sit here as His scribe, His vessel to share His Word with You. Please buckle up Family, this could get a tad we go.....

Loves, I'm sure it's clear (if you read Mona Girl Blog every Wednesday) that Mona's been through some "life stuff" (smile). And to be honest, because I've been through some "life stuff" is the main reason why I'm able to sit here with You every Wednesday, sharing His Word and My Heart. You can't genuinely share, be authentic in your feelings, be #FRFR, be Transparent, if you haven't been through some "life stuff".

Growing Through is what gives Us the Humility (Hallelujah!) and the Peace (Glory to God!) and the Power (Thank You Jesus!) to lay down our Pride in order to open up our Hearts and be Transparent with ourselves and others.....which ultimately draws us closer, and closer, and more intimately connected with Our Heavenly Father.  And if you ask me, that's what (at least for the last 8 years) my life journey is ALL about!

"As a prisoner of the Lord, I beg you to live in a way that is worthy of the people God has chosen to be his own. Always be humble and gentle.  Patiently put up with each other and love each other.  Try your best to let God's Spirit keep your hearts united.  Do this by living at peace. All of you are part of the same body. There is only one Spirit of God, just as you were given one hope when you were chosen to be God's people. We have only one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. There is one God who is the Father of all people.  Not only is God above all others, but he works by using all of us, and he lives in all of us." (Ephesians 4:1-6, CEV)

This afternoon, I got so tickled in my spirit when I heard Holy Spirit say, "Can You See Me Now?" And I Knew this would somehow come into play in today's Mona Girl Blog Title. I know that I SEE Mona better now than I used to and from what I hear from those who've been riding shotgun with me over the last 8 years.........Hmph! They SEE Mona better as well.  When you really stop and think about it, we All should be SEEING ourselves and each other better as life rolls on.....we should be on a consistent path, a consistent walk, have a consistent goal to become, live, and BE better.....and more Transparent in our lives.

"What this adds up to, then, is this: no more lies, no more pretense. Tell your neighbor the truth. In Christ's body we're all connected to each other, after all. When you lie to others, you end up lying to yourself."  (Ephesians 4:25, MSG)

When we live our lives in a Transparent way, we have less stress, less worries, less anxieties, less DRAMA! When we live this way, we don't have to keep "one-upping" other folks, we don't have to boast and brag, we don't have to "remember" all the little white lies we've told (smile), we no longer have *IKIA* (I Know It All) Syndrome (Thanks Esi!), we don't have to impress ANYONE......ANY MORE!!! And Family, raising my hand wayyyy up high in this class!!  What an Awesome, Peaceful and FREEING way to live out life!  Oh Yeah!! Can You See me Now?? Really.....REALLLLY See Me?!? #I'mBeingTransparent!

"We are proud that our conscience is clear. We are proud of the way that we have lived in this world.  We have lived with a God-given holiness and sincerity, especially toward you.  It was not by human wisdom that we have lived but by God's kindness." (2 Corinthians 1:12, GW)

Like I said up top, when we all buckled up for today's ride....I had NO idea where Holy Spirit was leading Us.....but I like where we've been over the last few paragraphs and where we've landed.  Being Open, Being Ourselves, Being Loving, Being REAL, Being Transparent can Only be achieved with Our Heavenly Father's guidance; by Growing Through (not running away like a coward) "life stuff"; by being Willing, Patient and Humble; and most importantly, (just like the underlined part of the Scripture above says), by being Open to God's Mighty Love, Grace and Kindness.  Because Loves, we can't achieve this level of TRANSPARENCY, this level of FREEDOM, this level of PEACE in our lives without HIM!

I Love You Lord!! Thank You for dropping by today with this Powerful Message to ignite our Souls! And Blessing Us with Your Mighty Wisdom, that's especially motivating, as we enter the Lenten Season leading up to Easter (my Fave time of year), with today being Ash Wednesday!! 

Ohhhhhh YES!! Can You See Me Now?? #BeTransparent!!!

Continued Success & Blessings!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

IT'S SHOW TIME!!! #Action!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

For today's Mona Girl Blog, Holy Spirit has me sharing a couple nuggets of His Wisdom before you hit Play on this Amazing Video below by DeVon Franklin. Thanks Angel Shellie for sharing the knowledge!

There are sooooo many distractions and detours and just life "stuff" that can take us off course of God's Mighty Plan for our lives.  We can especially jump ship and go off course, if we see that God's Plan is NOT lining up with Our Plan (smile).  HIS Plan may take us through trying and difficult times, trials, humbling circumstances, not so glamours situations, and out-of-our-comfort-zone seasons (shout out to King David and Joseph in the Bible....two Men truly molded, shaped and pruned by Our Sovereign Lord), but I'm here to share with You, that His Plan for Our Lives......His Journey for Us may NOT be the most comfortable and direct route but, IT IS THE BEST and ohhhhh so WORTH IT.....Blessed Beyond Blessed... if we can just hang on......and not give up!!

As you watch DeVon Franklin's Video, The Movie of Your Life, I hope you take it to heart....let it sink down deep into your soul to a place that will Ignite You, Motivate You, Encourage You to Keep Your Eyes on HIS Plan for Your Hold on Tight to HIS Mighty Loving TRUST HIS All-Knowing, Perfect Timing Ways so You can Live Out Loud, Live Boldly, Live Joyfully......HIS **BEST** FOR YOU!!

"My thoughts," says the Lord, "are not like yours, and my ways are different from yours.  As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours." (Isaiah 55:8-9, GNT)

Oh Yeah......IT'S SHOW TIME!  #Action!

Continued Success and Blessings!!!

P.S. A quick Shout Out to My Metsies........two weeks (14 days and counting) until Pitchers and Catchers report to Spring Training! ME GETTING EXCITED!!! #LetsGoMets!!! #GotYoBack!