Wednesday, June 10, 2015

***HEADS UP***!!!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family. today's Mona Girl Blog, Our Lord wants me to share with You a "HEADS UP" Message!!

Meaning..........No Matter what You are going through......No Matter what You are dealing with.....No Matter what's on Your plate.......No Matter what folks are saying about You.....NO MATTER WHAT.....KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!!

If You are depressed, upset, unhappy, anxious, angry, restless, fearful, etc., etc., etc.  KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!! Our Lord is using Me today to encourage YOU to KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!!

But you say: "Mona, you don't know what's going on in my don't know what I've done and, as a result, I'm walking out the don't know what I've been don't understand my specific situation, it's very complicated."  Yeah!  You're Right!  I don't know ANYTHING about Your personal situation/circumstance/crises but I do KNOW this!  God will Forgive YOU of anything that You've done if You go to Him in Prayer asking for Forgiveness and to help You Repent of Your Sins. And once you do, He's already Forgiven You.  And, if You in turn Forgive Yourself......Then YOU have NO REASON not to KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!!

"Always remember that we are all God's children.  No matter what is in your past, the moment that you sincerely say the words, "Lord, forgive me," the slate will be wiped clean." (not sure who wrote this because I like to give credit to folk's wisdom....I read it in a Devotional last night and it fit well here.)

Family, I know I seem to be lingering here a tad longer than necessary (LOL!) but Our Abba Father wants YOU to Really know, understand, comprehend........ that HE is and will be with YOU.  You just have to call out His Name.......Yell out HELP ME LORD!! I NEED YOU! And when you give Your life to Him, recommit Your life to Him, ask Him for Forgiveness........He will come to Your aid and help You KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!! I can tell you this with the utmost assurance because that's EXACTLY what I did years ago and I have not looked back.....I have NEVER regretted Yelling out to HIM for Help!!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart.  Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way." (Proverbs 3:5-6, GNT)

I know this may sound easy to some of you......maybe a "too good to be true" type of deal but it works! When YOU invite Our Lord and Savior into your life, He will come in and shower and consume You with His LOVE. He will be Your Guide, Your Rescuer, Your Support, Your Strength, Your Courage,Your Vindicator,Your Help, Your EVERYTHING!! And when You begin to (or for those of us who are already on this path) Consistently Walk with Him, You will be able to KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!! 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9, ESV)

Now.....Y'all know me and You KNOW I will ALWAYS tell you the rose-colored glasses...sugar-coated Faith around here.  It will NOT ALWAYS be easy to KEEP YOUR HEAD UP.....even when You Consistently Walk with HIM........because WE are human and life sucks sometimes!!! BUT when We have our fool proof safety net........our genuine and loving Heavenly Father......the stuff life brings our way won't get to us like it used to.  We won't check-in to Hotel Depression or book an extended stay at Woe is Me Resort.  We'll be able to bounce back quicker and stronger and be able to....(OH YEAH!!! SAY IT WITH ME PLEASE)..........KEEP OUR HEADS UP!! Awwww YES!!  Thank You Jesus!!   Whewee Family!!  This is Goooood Stuff!!  Thank You Holy Spirit!!

"God, the one and only - I'll wait as long as he says.  Everything I hope for comes from him, so why not?  He's solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, An impregnable castle: I'm set for life.  My help and glory are in God - granite-strength and safe harbor-God. So trust him absolutely, people; lay your lives on the line for him.  God is a safe place to be." (Psalm 62:5-8, MSG)

Family, please KNOW, my offer ALWAYS stands.  I'm here to Pray with You, help You understand Your Salvation or just be an Ear to Hear :)  24/7 Mona Access:

As I close out today's Mona Girl Blog, I'm leaving You with a hodgepodge of goodies to inspire and encourage and remind YOU to KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!!

A Scripture (Mona's Life Verse), A Word Pic by My Girl Helen Keller and not One my Lovelies.......but TWO old school songs!!!! Enjoy!!!  

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13, NKJV)

Continued Success and Blessings!!! Keeping YOU in My Prayers!!


  1. Mona Girl, u went in deep! The Lord's presence was felt, recognized & respected! I love ur passion for Him & I love u! Preach with ur Test-A-MONA, for the open hearts await!
    Great job my love, got to sit down now, u had me on my feet! Ty for YR dedication & inspiration!

  2. WOW! HUMBLED!! Thanks MAA for ALWAYS encouraging and inspiring me. Thank you for taking the time to leave your comment :) I LOVE YOUR Faith and Your Consistency with Our Lord! I cherish Your Divine Wisdom and Compassion and Love. You Know....I'm relentlessly HIS and Mona Girl Blog is yet another channel He's using through Me to get His Mighty Word to His Children. Love & Blessings MAA! Grace & Peace!!

  3. Thank you Mona. Just what I needed to hear.

    1. Amen Susan! Thank you! I am glad this Wednesday's Message from Our Lord Blessed YOU :)
