Wednesday, May 13, 2015

PSALM 23.................#Powerful!!!

Happy Blessed Wednesday Family,

For today's Mona Girl Blog, Our Lord just said - "share Psalm 23." Soooo, I am going to be *Obedient* and share with you one of my top 3 Fave Scriptures from THE BOOK - The 23rd Psalm.

The 23rd Psalm was written by my favorite Man of God - King David!! OH YES!! King David was a warrior from birth and Our Sovereign Lord predestined David to be HIS Humble Servant before David was even formed in his Mother's womb.

What I LOVE about David is that he, just like us, was flawed in many ways....made mistakes.........made some bad choices that had dire consequences, etc. We learn from David's life that even though he messed up (and whewee!! did he mess up B-I-G at times), our compassionate and caring  and loving Heavenly Father ALWAYS forgave him, just like HE does with us.  Here's a link to read a summary on David/King David's incredible life: Life of King David

As you know from reading about King David, he was A Man After God's Own Heart and because of his LOVE and the INTIMACY he shared with his Lord, David wrote the Awesome and Humbling Book of Psalms in The Bible. And here's where the Spirit of God is leading me share with you one of King David's most famous I am sure you are familiar with.......The 23rd Psalm.

Family, as I close today's Mona Girl Blog, I ask that you Really, REALLY take time to get quiet and still (phone off, TV off, music off, i-pad, i-pod, laptop off.....ALL distractions off) before the Lord as you soak in each and every beautiful and intensely heartfelt word of this Magnificent Psalm. King David truly knew what he was talking about when he wrote this Love Letter to his Sovereign Lord, to his Mighty and Loving God!! Please let each and every syllable be a deep, penetrating, calming balm to sooth your mind, heart and encourage you at the depth of your empower you.....and to remind YOU, that just like King David, YOU are One of Our Lord's treasured and loved sheep.

Our Lord is **OUR SHEPHERD** and when we REALLY get that....when we REALLY understand how Wonderful and Powerful that knowledge is.......when We Know, that WE Know, WE ARE HIS.....OH YEAH!!!  We can do this life thing with Confidence and Assurance and Peace and Grace!  WE WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE!!  The 23rd Psalm is **Our PROMISE** from Our Loving Lord to Us!!

Continued Success and Blessings Family!!

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